Sama5d29 Curiosity

Last modified by Microchip on 2025/03/03 06:33

SoC Features

The SAMA5D2 series is a high-performance, ultra-low-power ARM Cortex-A5 processor based MPU. The Cortex A5 processor runs up to 500MHz and features the ARM NEON SIMD engine a 128kB L2 cache and a floating point unit. It supports multiple memories, including latest-generation technologies such as DDR3, LPDDR3, and QSPI Flash. It integrates powerful peripherals for connectivity (EMAC, USB, dual CAN, up to 10 UARTs, etc.) and user interface applications (TFT LCD controller, embedded capacitive touch controller, class D amplifier, audio PLL, CMOS sensor interface, etc.). The devices offer advanced security functions to protect customer code and secure external data transfers. These include ARM TrustZone, tamper detection, secure data storage, hardware encryption engines including private keys, on-the-fly decryption of code stored in external DDR or QSPI memory and a secure boot loader.

SAMA5D2 Chip Features

Kit Information

Kit Overview

The SAMA5D29-Curiosity follows the Microchip MPU strategy for low-cost evaluation kits, showcasing all the features that the SAMA5D29 MPU offers.

The SAMA5D29-Curiosity board integrates a 4-Gbit LPDDR2SDRAM, one LCD RGB666 interface, one ISC Camera header, one USB Type-C™ connector, one USB Type-A connector, one μSD card interface, one SD Card / Radio Module interface, a Power Management IC (PMIC), a 64 Mb QSPI memory and one 10/100 RMII add-on slot.

For expansion : Raspberry Pi 40-pin GPIO connector, two mikroBUS™ connectors (Hundreds of possible Click™ extensions featuring Microchip functions inside), one multipurpose 20-pin connector (Exposes NAND Flash interface) and two PIOBU/System headers.

The Kit is supported Linux4Microchip Kernel LTS as well as mainline Linux Kernel.

The SAMA5D29-Curiosity documents can be found on microchip website, as following:

Kit Overview

Kit User Guide


Access the console

The usual serial communication parameters are 115200 8-N-1 :

Baud rate115200
Data8 bits
Stop1 bit
Flow controlNone

Access the console on DEBUG serial port

The serial console can be accessed from the DEBUG port with the help of a TTL-to-USB serial cable (marked as DEBUG J28).

Using DEBUG on TTL-to-USB connector (DEBUG J28)

  • For Microsoft Windows users: Install the driver of your USB TTL serial cable. FTDI-based ones are the most popular, have a look to this page to get the driver: * Be sure to connect a 3.3V compatible cable and identify its GND pin. Place it properly according to the silkscreen and connect the cable to the board (J28)
    • For Microsoft Windows users: Identify the USB connection that is established, USB Serial Port should appear in Device Manager. The COMxx number will be used to configure the terminal emulator.
      ftdi serial line
    • For Linux users: Identify the serial USB connection by monitoring the last lines of dmesg command. The /dev/ttyUSBx number will be used to configure the terminal emulator.

[605576.562740] usb 1-1.1.2: new full-speed USB device number 17 using ehci-pci [605576.660920] usb 1-1.1.2: New USB device found, idVendor=0403, idProduct=6001 [605576.660933] usb 1-1.1.2: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3 [605576.660939] usb 1-1.1.2: Product: TTL232R-3V3 [605576.660944] usb 1-1.1.2: Manufacturer: FTDI [605576.660958] usb 1-1.1.2: SerialNumber: FTGNVZ04 [605576.663092] ftdi_sio 1-1.1.2:1.0: FTDI USB Serial Device converter detected [605576.663120] usb 1-1.1.2: Detected FT232RL [605576.663122] usb 1-1.1.2: Number of endpoints 2 [605576.663124] usb 1-1.1.2: Endpoint 1 MaxPacketSize 64 [605576.663126] usb 1-1.1.2: Endpoint 2 MaxPacketSize 64 [605576.663128] usb 1-1.1.2: Setting MaxPacketSize 64 [605576.663483] usb 1-1.1.2: FTDI USB Serial Device converter now attached to ttyUSB0 A /dev/ttyUSB0 node has been created.

  • Now open your favorite terminal emulator with appropriate settings


Demo archives

SD Card imageSAMA5D29 CuriosityHeadlesslinux4sam-poky-sama5d29_curiosity-headless-2023.10.img.bz2 (~ 107 MB)
md5: d0c1a3f0552391ebdce950a3fdc970da
Linux4SAM Yocto Project / Poky based demo
compiled from tag linux4sam-2023.10
Follow procedure: #Create_a_SD_card_with_the_demo
Graphicslinux4sam-poky-sama5d29_curiosity-graphics-2023.10.img.bz2 (~ 185 MB)
md5: 404135bd09229500758a2137621e7726
SD Card imageSAMA5D29 CuriosityHeadlesslinux4sam-buildroot-sama5d29_curiosity-headless-2023.10.img.bz2 (~ 70 MB)
md5: 63e41e7fa1af83c8d1d949c4e536f38b
Linux4SAM BuildRoot based demo
compiled from tag linux4sam-2023.10
Follow procedure: #Create_a_SD_card_with_the_demo
Graphicslinux4sam-buildroot-sama5d29_curiosity-graphics-2023.10.img.bz2 (~ 195 MB)
md5: 44147702525acadcaec8f9435f2d9a3f

Create a SD card with the demo

You need a 1 GB SD card (or more) and to download the image of the demo. The image is compressed to reduce the amount of data to download. This image contains:

  • a FAT32 partition with the AT91Bootstrap, U-Boot and the Linux Kernel (zImage and dtb).
  • an EXT4 partition for the rootfs.

Multi-platform procedure

To write the compressed image on the SD card, you will have to download and install Etcher This tool, which is an Open Source software, is useful since it allows to get a compressed image as input. More information and extra help available on the Etcher website

  • Insert your SD card and launch Etcher:

Etcher selection step

  1. Select the demo image. They are marked as "SD Card image" in the demo table above.
    Note that you can select a compressed image (like the demos available here). The tool is able to uncompress files on the fly
  2. Select the device corresponding to your SD card (Etcher proposes you the devices that are removable to avoid erasing your system disk)
  3. Click on the Flash! button
  4. On Linux, Etcher finally asks you to enter your root password because it needs access to the hardware (your SD card reader or USB to SD card converter)
  5. then the flashing process begins followed by a verification phase (optional)

Etcher flashing done!

  • Once writing done, Etcher asks you if you want to burn another demo image:

Etcher flashing done!

  • Your SD card is ready!

Build From source code

Setup ARM Cross Compiler

  • First step is to dowload the ARM GNU Toolchain:
wget -c
  • Next step is to add the ARM GNU Toolchain into your system:

tar -xf arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz export CROSS_COMPILE=`pwd`/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- or

tar -xf arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf-
export PATH=$PATH:/YOUR/PATH/TO/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/
  • !Note: If you already have an old ARM GNU Toolchain need to clean up the PATH with:
export PATH=${PATH/':/YOUR/PATH/TO/arm-gnu-toolchain-VERSION-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/'/}

Build AT91Bootstrap from sources

This section describes how to get source code from the git repository, how to configure with the default configuration, how to customize AT91Bootstrap based on the default configuration and finally to build AT91Bootstrap to produce the binary. take the default configuration to download U-Boot from NandFlash for example.

Get AT91Bootstrap Source Code

You can easily download AT91Bootstrap source code on the at91bootstrap git repository.

To get the source code, you should clone the repository by doing:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'at91bootstrap'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 17621, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (3324/3324), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (1029/1029), done.
remote: Total 17621 (delta 2465), reused 3102 (delta 2285), pack-reused 14297
Receiving objects: 100% (17621/17621), 5.65 MiB | 4.65 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (13459/13459), done.
$ cd at91bootstrap/

Configure AT91Bootstrap

Assuming you are at the AT91Bootstrap root directory, you will find a configs folder which contains several default configuration files:


TIP Tips: qspi means to read quad-SPI serial flash, sd means to read mmc card.

You can configure AT91Bootstrap to load U-Boot binary from SD Card by doing:

$ make mrproper
$ make sama5d29_curiositysd_uboot_defconfig

If the configuring process is successful, the .config file can be found at AT91Bootstrap root directory.

Customize AT91Bootstrap

If the default configuration doesn't meet your need, after configuring with the default configuration, you can customize it by doing:

$ make menuconfig

Now, in the menuconfig dialog, you can easily add or remove some features to/from AT91Bootstrap as the same way as kernel configuration.
Move to <Exit> with arrows and press this button hitting the Enter key to exit from this screen.

Build AT91Bootstrap

Then you can build the AT91Bootstrap binary by doing:

$ make

If the building process is successful, the final .bin image is build/binaries/at91bootstrap.bin.

Build U-Boot from sources

Getting U-Boot sources

Dedicated page on U-Boot wiki:

You can easily download U-Boot source code from Linux4SAM GitHub U-Boot repository

  • clone the Linux4sam GitHub U-Boot repository
   $ git clone
 Cloning into 'u-boot-mchp'...
 remote: Enumerating objects: 951876, done.
 remote: Counting objects: 100% (17718/17718), done.
 remote: Compressing objects: 100% (5735/5735), done.
 remote: Total 951876 (delta 12391), reused 15314 (delta 11846), pack-reused 934158
 Receiving objects: 100% (951876/951876), 164.77 MiB | 401.00 KiB/s, done.
 Resolving deltas: 100% (790362/790362), done.
   $ cd u-boot-mchp/
  • The source code has been taken from the master branch which is pointing to the latest branch we use. If you want to use the other branch, you can list them and use one of them by doing:
   $ git branch -r
  origin/HEAD -> origin/master

   $ git checkout origin/u-boot-2023.07-mchp -b u-boot-2023.07-mchp
  Branch 'u-boot-2023.07-mchp' set up to track remote branch 'u-boot-2023.07-mchp' from 'origin'.
  Switched to a new branch 'u-boot-2023.07-mchp'

Cross-compiling U-Boot

Before compiling the U-Boot, you need setup cross compile toolchain in the section.

Warning, important Latest versions of U-boot (2018.07 and newer) have a minimum requirement of 6.0 version of the GCC toolchain. We always recommend to use the latest versions.

Once the Microchip U-Boot sources available, cross-compile U-Boot is made in two steps: configuration and compiling. Check the Configuration chapter in U-Boot reference manual.

Pointing hand Go to the configs/ to find the exact target when invoking make.

The U-Boot environment variables can be stored in different media, above config files can specify where to store the U-Boot environment.

   # To put environment variables in uSD card:
   # To put environment variables in SD card:
   # To put environment variables in quad-SPI serial flash:

Here are the building steps for the SAMA5D29-Curiosity board:

# You can change the config according to your needs.
make sama5d29_curiosity_mmc_defconfig
make or make -j <num_of_cpus> or make -j $(nproc --all)

The result of these operations is a fresh U-Boot binary called u-boot.bin corresponding to the binary ELF file u-boot.

  • u-boot.bin is the file you should store on the board
  • u-boot is the ELF format binary file you may use to debug U-Boot through a JTag link for instance.

Build Kernel from sources

Required packages

You must install essential host packages on your build host. These requirements are listed in the Linux kernel documentation with the chapter Install build requirements You must follow this process which includes, but not limited to, the following packages:

  • build-essential
  • flex
  • bison
  • git
  • perl-base
  • libssl-dev
  • libncurses5-dev
  • libncursesw5-dev
  • ncurses-dev

Getting Kernel sources

To get the source code, you have to clone the repository:

$ git clone
Cloning into 'linux'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 8587836, done.
remote: Total 8587836 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 8587836
Receiving objects: 100% (8587836/8587836), 3.49 GiB | 13.44 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (7117887/7117887), done.
Updating files: 100% (70687/70687), done.
$ cd linux

The source code has been taken from the master branch which is pointing on the latest branch we use.

Pointing hand Note that you can also add this Linux4SAM repository as a remote GIT repository to your usual Linux git tree. It will save you a lot of bandwidth and download time:

$ git remote add linux4microchip
$ git remote update linux4microchip
Fetching linux4microchip
 * [new branch]                linux-6.1-mchp -> linux4microchip/linux-6.1-mchp
 * [new branch]                linux-6.6-mchp -> linux4microchip/linux-6.6-mchp
 * [new branch]                master     -> linux4microchip/master

If you want to use another branch, you can list them and use one of them by doing this:

$ git branch -r
$ git checkout -b linux-6.6-mchp --track remotes/linux4microchip/linux-6.6-mchp
Branch linux-6.6-mchp set up to track remote branch linux-6.6-mchp from linux4microchip.
Switched to a new branch 'linux-6.6-mchp'

Setup ARM Cross Compiler

  • First step is to dowload the ARM GNU Toolchain:
wget -c
  • Next step is to add the ARM GNU Toolchain into your system:

tar -xf arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz export CROSS_COMPILE=`pwd`/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabihf- or

tar -xf arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz
export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-none-linux-gnueabihf-
export PATH=$PATH:/YOUR/PATH/TO/arm-gnu-toolchain-13.2.Rel1-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/
  • !Note: If you already have an old ARM GNU Toolchain need to clean up the PATH with:
export PATH=${PATH/':/YOUR/PATH/TO/arm-gnu-toolchain-VERSION-x86_64-arm-none-linux-gnueabihf/bin/'/}

Configure and Build the Linux kernel

Now you have to configure the Linux kernel according to your hardware. We have two default configuration at91 SoC in arch/arm/configs

  • at91_dt_defconfig: for SAM9 (ARM926) series chips
  • sama5_defconfig: for SAMA5 series chips
  • sama7_defconfig: for SAMA7 series chips

At this step, you can modify default configuration using the menuconfig

$ make ARCH=arm menuconfig

Now, in the menuconfig dialog, you can easily add or remove some features. Once done, Move to <Exit> with arrows and press this button hitting the Enter key to exit from this screen.

Build the Linux kernel image, before you build you need set up the cross compile toolchain, check this section.

$ make ARCH=arm


  Kernel: arch/arm/boot/Image is ready
  Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready

Now you have an usable compressed kernel image zImage.

If you need an uImage you can run this additional step:

make ARCH=arm uImage LOADADDR=0x20008000


  Kernel: arch/arm/boot/zImage is ready
  UIMAGE  arch/arm/boot/uImage
  Image Name:   Linux-6.6.23-linux4microchip-202
  Created:      Thu May 16 14:36:06 2024
  Image Type:   ARM Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
  Data Size:    5221704 Bytes = 5099.32 KiB = 4.98 MiB
  Load Address: 20008000
  Entry Point:  20008000
  Kernel: arch/arm/boot/uImage is ready

make ARCH=arm dtbs


  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sam9x60_curiosity.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sam9x60ek.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sam9x75_curiosity.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sam9x75eb.dtb  
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama5d27_som1_ek.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama5d27_wlsom1_ek.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama5d29_curiosity.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama5d2_icp.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama5d2_ptc_ek.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama5d2_xplained.dtb
  DTC     arch/arm/boot/dts/microchip/at91-sama7g5ek.dtb


If the building process is successful, the final images can be found under arch/arm/boot/ directory.

Build Yocto/Poky rootfs from sources

Note that building an entire distribution is a long process. It also requires a big amount of free disk space.

The support for Atmel AT91 SoC family is included in a particular Yocto layer: meta-atmel. The source for this layer are hosted on Linux4SAM GitHub account

Building environment

A step-by-step comprehensive installation is explained in the Yocto Project Quick Build The following lines have to be considered as an add-on that is AT91 specific or that can facilitate your setup.


Here are the reference pages for setting up a Yocto building environment: What You Need and How You Get It

Note add git-lfs to the package requirement list from whichever Linux distribution you use.

For instance, on Ubuntu or debian, these packages need to be installed on your development host:

sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core git-lfs diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib \
     build-essential chrpath socat cpio python3 python3-pip python3-pexpect \
     xz-utils debianutils iputils-ping python3-git python3-jinja2 libegl1-mesa libsdl1.2-dev \
     pylint3 xterm

Step by step build procedure

Note here is a copy of the README procedure available directly in the meta-atmel layer. This file in the meta-atmel layer repository must be considered as the reference and the following copy can be out-of-sync.

Note starting with Linux4SAM 2021.04 release, the meta-atmel layer supports Yocto templates, so make sure you create a new build environment using oe-init-build-env

This layer provides support for Microchip microprocessors (aka AT91)

For more information about the Microchip MPU product line see:
Linux & Open Source on Microchip microprocessors:

Supported SoCs / MACHINE names
Note that most of the machine names below, have a SD Card variant that can be
built by adding an "-sd" suffix to the machine name.
- SAMA5D2 product family / sama5d2-xplained, sama5d2-xplained-emmc, sama5d27-som1-ek-sd, sama5d27-som1-ek-optee-sd, sama5d2-ptc-ek, sama5d2-icp, sama5d27-wlsom1-ek-sd, sama5d29-curiosity-sd
- SAMA5D4 product family / sama5d4ek, sama5d4-xplained
- SAMA5D3 product family / sama5d3xek, sama5d3-xplained
- AT91SAM9x5 product family (AT91SAM9G15, AT91SAM9G25, AT91SAM9X25, AT91SAM9G35 and AT91SAM9X35) / at91sam9x5ek
- AT91SAM9RL / at91sam9rlek
- AT91SAM9G45 / at91sam9m10g45ek
- SAM9X60 / sam9x60ek, sam9x60-curiosity
- SAMA7G5 / sama7g5ek-sd, sama7g5ek-emmc, sama7g5ek-ospi
- SAM9X75 / sam9x75eb, sam9x75-curiosity

- meta-atmel
Branch: kirkstone

This Layer depends on :
- poky
Branch: kirkstone

- meta-openembedded
Branch: kirkstone

- meta-arm (for optee components)
Branch: kirkstone

Build procedure

0/ Create a directory
mkdir my_dir
cd my_dir

1/ Clone yocto/poky git repository with the proper branch ready
git clone && cd poky && \
git checkout -b kirkstone yocto-4.0.17 && cd -

2/ Clone meta-openembedded git repository with the proper branch ready
git clone git:// && \
cd meta-openembedded && git checkout -b kirkstone 8bb165 && cd -

3/ Clone meta-atmel layer with the proper branch ready
git clone
git checkout -b kirkstone linux4microchip-2024.04 && cd -

4/ Clone meta-arm layer with the proper branch ready
git clone && cd meta-arm && \
git checkout -b kirkstone yocto-4.0.2 && cd -

5/ Enter the poky directory to configure the build system and start the build process
cd poky
If not created yet, add a new "build-microchip" directory:
mkdir build-microchip
Else, if it's the first time you use Yocto Project templates, and if the
build-microchip directory remains from a previous use, we advise you to start
from a fresh directory. Keep your build-microchip/conf/local.conf file for

6/ Inside the .templateconf file, you will need to modify the TEMPLATECONF
variable to match the path to the meta-atmel layer "conf" directory:
export TEMPLATECONF=${TEMPLATECONF:-../meta-atmel/conf}

7/ Initialize build directory
source oe-init-build-env build-microchip

8/ To build a small image provided by Yocto Project:
[MACHINE=] bitbake core-image-minimal

Example for sama5d2-xplained-sd SD card image:
MACHINE=sama5d2-xplained-sd bitbake core-image-minimal

9/ To build the microchip image with no graphics support:
[MACHINE=] bitbake microchip-headless-image

Example for sama5d2-xplained-sd SD card image:
MACHINE=sama5d2-xplained-sd bitbake microchip-headless-image

10/ To build the microchip image with graphics support (EGT):
[MACHINE=] bitbake microchip-graphics-image

Example for sama5d2-xplained-sd SD card image:
MACHINE=sama5d2-xplained-sd bitbake microchip-graphics-image

Typical bitbake output
Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.0.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "universal"
TARGET_SYS           = "arm-poky-linux-gnueabi"
MACHINE              = "sam9x75-curiosity-sd"
DISTRO               = "poky-atmel"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "4.0.17"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "arm armv5 thumb dsp"
TARGET_FPU           = "soft"
meta-yocto-bsp       = "heads/kirkstone-4.0.17:6d1a878bbf24c66f7186b270f823fcdf82e35383"
meta-initramfs       = "8bb16533532b6abc2eded7d9961ab2a108fd7a5b:8bb16533532b6abc2eded7d9961ab2a108fd7a5b"
meta-atmel           = "heads/linux4microchip-2024.04-rc2:fd6500c866002b78e8ec752e11e34cff0acbc044"
meta-multimedia      = "8bb16533532b6abc2eded7d9961ab2a108fd7a5b:8bb16533532b6abc2eded7d9961ab2a108fd7a5b"
meta-arm-toolchain   = "heads/yocto-4.0.2:96aad3b29aa7a5ee4df5cf617a6336e5218fa9bd"

To contribute to this layer you should submit the patches for review to:
the github pull-request facility directly or the forum. Anyway, don't forget to
Cc the maintainers.

Microchip Forum:

for some useful guidelines to be followed when submitting patches:

Hari Prasath G E 
Nicolas Ferre 

When creating patches insert the [meta-atmel] tag in the subject, for example
use something like:
git format-patch -s --subject-prefix='meta-atmel][PATCH' 

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