Convert SAM-BA scripts
This page can help you convert your SAM-BA script from one revision of SAM-BA to the other. We made some little changes to the SAM-BA API and SAM-BA QML Scripts as slightly different.
SAM-BA tool revision
You can verify the revision of your SAM-BA tool by running the following command:
sam-ba -v SAM-BA Command Line Tool v3.7 Copyright 2022 Microchip Technology
SAM-BA module revisions
At the beginning of your script, you have some lines which state the revision of each module that are used by the QML script. These are the import lines that give the revision number of the modules that shall be used in the core of the script. So, while moving to a more recent revision of SAM-BA, make sure to update these numbers accordingly.
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SAM-BA QML conversion table
device: SAMA5D2 { board: "sama5d2-xplained" } | device: SAMA5D2Xplained { } |Board selection is not done using a board property on the device anymore.
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Example QML script for SAM-BA 3.2.y
The demo archive for Linux4SAM 5.6 onwards support newer revision of SAM-BA. But if you want to run an older demo package with SAM-BA 3.2.y you can take example on this script for Linux4SAM 5.5 converted to SAM-BA 3.2.y revision.
Related Topics
SAM-BA API revisions