Using ISI (Image Sensor Interface) in Linux4SAM 6.0 and later

Last modified by Microchip on 2025/03/03 06:03



This page is mainly about how to enable and configure the ISI in AT91SAM SoCs for different image sensors, in our Linux4SAM 6.0 and later releases. </br> hand For older releases and older kernel, check this page.

The Image Sensor Interface (ISI) connects a CMOS-type image sensor to the processor and provides image capture in various formats from sensor side.</br> ISI uses H/VSYNC signal for synchronization or EAV/SAV. </br> ISI supports the following sensor input formats : YCbCr422, RGB565, RGB888 and grayscale raw data. </br>

ISI supports the following output formats:

  • ISI has two paths (Preview path and Codec path) for the output.
    • Preview path will output RGB data with different format.
      • Can convert YCbCr or YUV to RGB.
        • Support downscale and decimation.
        • Max output solution is 640x480.
    • Codec path will output YUV data with different orders.
      • Can convert RGB to YCrCb.
      • Max output solution is 2048x2048.


  • In SAMA5D3x-EK boards:
    • J11's PIN29 need to be disconnected when insert ISI module board. Since PIN29 is connected to ISI_D11 (pin mux as TWD1).
    • TWI0 (i2c0)'s TWD0 & TWCK0 signals are using same pins as ISI_VSYNC & ISI_HSYNC. So need to disable i2c0 when you enable ISI.
    • TWI1 (i2c1)'s TWD1 & TWCK1 signals are using same pins as ISI_D11 & ISI_D10. So it cannot support 12bit data input.
    • Led d3 should be disable as well as it conflict with camera sensor's reset pin PE24.
    • These products have been deprecated in linux4sam releases.
  • The main board for ISI feature display is SAM9X60-EK with the SAM9X60 MPU.
  • Other MPUs or other boards do not support ISI or have been deprecated in linux4sam.
  • Supported CMOS sensors: Omivision OV2640 , Omnivision OV7740 and Micron/Aptina monochrome sensor MT9V022

 Tips : The ISI Device Tree support is added as an overlay in our dt-overlay-at91 tree. For any questions check our DT-overlay page .

Detail description of software

ISI driver in Linux kernel

ISI driver is part of the media platform drivers, and it supports the standard v4L2 APIs. </br> Current supported sensors: Omivision OV2640 , Omnivision OV7740 and Micron/Aptina monochrome sensor MT9V022. </br> It's easy to support a sensor if the sensor is using DVP interface connection. This means it uses H/VSYNC signals. Sensors with serial interface are not supported, only parallel. </br> hand soc-camera framework was deprecated. There are still sensors in soc_camera, but most sensors were ported to the platform camera framework. Thus we do not recommend using soc_camera sensors. </br> Supported sensors are available in platform camera framework. You can find all camera supported platform sensors in Kernel menuconfig by:

  • select the menu: "Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> Media Controller API"
  • select the menu: "Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> !V4L2 sub-device userspace API"
  • deselect the menu: "Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> Autoselect ancillary drivers (tuners, sensors, i2c, frontends)"
    • <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/Screenshot_from_2018-11-14_13-26-01.png" alt="Screenshot_from_2018-11-14_13-26-01.png" width="952" height="582" />
  • Then all support sensors can be found in the menu: "Device Drivers -> Multimedia support -> I2C Encoders, decoders, sensors and other helper chips"
    • <img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/Screenshot_from_2018-11-14_13-28-44.png" alt="Screenshot_from_2018-11-14_13-28-44.png" width="955" height="586" />

 Tips: to add a new sensor support, you need to create a Device Tree Overlay file to add the sensor remote port. The DT-overlay page provides more information. Our public Github repository will gladly accept patches.

User Applications to try ISI functionality



fswebcam is a neat and simple webcam app. It captures images from a V4L1/V4L2 compatible device or file, averages them to reduce noise and draws a caption using the GD Graphics Library which also handles compressing the image to PNG or JPEG. The resulting image is saved to a file or sent to stdio where it can be piped to something like ncftpput or scp.

  • Add fswebcam in Buildroot
    • Select "Package Selection for the target -> Graphic libraries and applications -> fswebcam".
  • Use fswebcam to capture a image. <pre>


VIDEO_DEV=/dev/video0 SKIP_FRAMES=20

# test preview channel fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p RGB565 -r 640x480 rgb565.jpg fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p RGB565 -r 320x240 rgb565_defactor.jpg

# test codec channel fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p YUYV -r 640x480 yuyv.jpg fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p YUYV -r 800x600 yuyv_800x600.jpg

fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p UYVY -r 640x480 uyvy.jpg fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p UYVY -r 800x600 uyvy_800x600.jpg

# test codec channel, without any processing, GREY, or Bayer RGB. fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p BAYER -r 640x480 bayer_bggr8.jpg fswebcam -S ${SKIP_FRAMES} -d ${VIDEO_DEV} -p SGRBG8 -r 640x480 bayer_grbg8.jpg


  • -S: frames that need to skip.
  • -d /dev/video0: specify the ISI as the input source.
  • -p: pixel format, can be RGB565, YUYV, UYVY, BAYER, SGRBGB8 and etc.
  • -r: resolution.


FFmpeg is a complete, cross-platform solution to record, convert and stream audio and video. It supports video4linux2 in Linux.

  • Add FFmpeg in Buildroot (It's already included in the Linux4SAM buildroot demo).
    • Select "Package Selection for the target -> Audio and video applications -> ffmpeg".
  • Use FFmpeg to capture a mpeg4 video clip. <pre> ffmpeg -r 25 -s vga -t 20 -pix_fmt yuyv422 -f video4linux2 -i /dev/video0 video.avi </pre>
    • -r: frame rate
    • -s: resolution, it can be qcif, cif, qvga, vga, svga, xga, uxga.
    • -t: time duration in second.
    • -pix_fmt: pixel format, only support yuyv422.
    • -f video4linux2: specify the format. Use ffmpeg -formats will show all supported formats.
    • -i /dev/video0: specify the ISI as the input source. Run following command to check the source name: <pre>

# cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/name isi-camera </pre>

  • video.avi: output video file name

 Tips: As no vcodec specified, it use mpeg4 as default.

 Tips: Run ffmpeg -pix_fmts can show all the supported pixel formats.

  • Use FFmpeg application to capture images. <pre> ffmpeg -f video4linux2 -r 1 -s vga -t 4 -i /dev/video0 -pix_fmt yuyv422 -f image2 -vcodec png image%d.png </pre>
    • -r: frame rate
    • -s: resolution, it can be qcif, cif, qvga, vga, svga, xga, uxga.
    • -t: time duration in second.
    • -i /dev/video0: specify the ISI as the input source. Run following command to check the source name: <pre>

# cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/name isi-camera </pre>

  • -pix_fmt: pixel format, only support yuyv422.
  • -f image2: image2 sequence format. Use ffmpeg -formats will show all supported formats.
  • -vcodec png: specify output format is png. Use ffmpeg -codecs will show all supported codec.
  • image%d.png: output file name is image1.png, image2.png and etc.


GStreamer is a library for constructing graphs of media-handling components. The applications it supports range from simple Ogg/Vorbis playback, audio/video streaming to complex audio (mixing) and video (non-linear editing) processing.

GStreamer has been ported to a wide range of operating systems, processors and compilers.

  • Add GStreamer in Buildroot (It's already included in the Linux4SAM Buildroot demo).
    • Select "Package Selection for the target -> Audio and video applications -> gstreamer" and the plugins that you needed.
  • Use GStreamer to preview on LCD. <pre> # gstreamer 1.0 gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device="/dev/video1" ! video/x-raw,width=640,height=480 ! videoconvert ! kmssink </pre>
    • v4l2src: a plugin to support v4l2 device as a source
      • device="/dev/video1": specify the ISI as the v4l2 input device.
        • You can check the device name by run command: cat /sys/class/video4linux/video1/name
      • video/x-raw,width=640,height=480: For gstreamer 1.0, specify the v4l2 output video format and size. *videoconvert: a plugin to convert from one color space to another
    • kmssink: a plugin to render to KMS (kernel mode setting) device

 Tips: run gst-inspect will show all installed plugins.

 Tips: run gst-inspect [plugin name] will show all supported parameters for this plugins.

<img src="%PUBURLPATH%/%WEB%/%TOPIC%/isi-gstreamer.png" alt="isi-gstreamer.png" width="893" height="391" />

ZXing barcode reader

ZXing is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library implemented in Java, with ports to other languages. The project also includes a barcode reader example.

  • Add the ZXing barcode reader application in Buildroot.
    • Add ZXing libary in Buildroot (The Linux4SAM buildroot demo already include it).
      • Select "Package Selection for the target -> Libraries -> Graphics -> zxing".
    • Apply attached patch on top of the buildroot-2012.11.1-at91.
      • This patch will change the zxing project's Makefile to generate not only zxing library but also the barcode reader example.
    • Run command make zxing to generate the barcode application: zxing_barcode.
      • zxing_barcode is located on outpout/target/use/bin/.
  • Read barcode from the image by using ZXing barcode reader.
    • Get an picture which include a barcode.
      • Please refer to FFmpeg section for the image capture.
    • Run following command to reader the barcode. <pre>zxing_barcode *.jpg</pre>



Q: How to check the ISI is probed in my board?

1 Check the boot message whether there is an information about sensor probe. <pre>

i2c i2c-0: OV2640 Probed ... ov5642 0-003c: reg_read: i2c read error, reg: 300a ov5642: probe of 0-003c failed with error -121 </pre> In above example, the message shows an OV2640 sensor is probed. But probe of OV5642 failed as we only support one camera module slot in the board. 1 Print all the v4L2 device in system to check that ISI device exists? <pre> # ls /sys/class/video4linux/video* /sys/class/video4linux/video0: debug dev index name power subsystem uevent

/sys/class/video4linux/video1: debug device name subsystem dev index power uevent # cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/name

# cat /sys/class/video4linux/video1/name isi-camera </pre> In above example, we can find the video1 is the isi-camera device.

Q: If the ISI cannot be probed in my board, what should I do?

1 Check the kernel boot message to see if there is any error message about ISI and sensor 1 Following the below check list to troubleshoot above errors.

  • Check the kernel config file:
    • Is the ISI driver and the sensor driver enabled?
  • Check your board's device tree files and overlays (.dts, .dtsi .dtso):
    • Is the ISI device node is enabled?
    • Are the ISI pins are configured correctly?
    • Is the sensor's i2c info correct?
    • Is the sensor's power/reset pin correct?
    • Is the PCK correct?


V4L2 documentation

ZXing project page

FFmpeg home page

GStreamer home page

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Using ISI with Linux4sam 6.0 and Kernel 4.14 and later