LoRa® technology is a proprietary wireless technology developed by Semtech® Corporation. It utilizes a spread spectrum modulation in the Sub-GHz band to enable long-range (greater than 10 miles) coverage, low-power consumption (up to 10 years battery power), high network capacity (up to $1 million nodes), robust communication and localization capability.
LoRa technology is capable of demodulating 20 dB below the noise level, significantly improving immunity to interference when combined with the integrated forward error correction LoRa technology has a high sensitivity of -148 dBm. This enables extremely long-range connectivity
Tutorials and Training
- LoRa Basics
- Connecting a SAM R34 SiP/SAM R34 Module LoRaWAN® End Device to a LoRaWAN Network Server
- Range Test Comparison Between WLR089U Module and SAMR34 Chip-Down XPRO
Software and Code Examples
- Peer-to-Peer Software (GitHub)
- Adding Wi-Fi® Sniffing to SAM R34/35 and WLR089U0 LoRaWAN Application (GitHub)
- Control SAM R34 ICs or WLR089U0 Module with ASCII Commands Over UART (RN Parser) (GitHub)
- Enable Long-Range P2P on SAM R34 ICs and WLR089U0 Module (GitHub)
- Enable Long Range STAR on SAM R34 ICs and WLR089U0 Module (GitHub)
- Enable Power-Efficient Pulse Counting with SAM R34 or WLR089U0 (GitHub)
- Provision and Control SAM R34/WLR LoRaWAN End Device Over Bluetooth Low Energy (GitHub)
- Secure Authentication with the SAM R34/WLR089U0, ATECC608 and TTI Joint Server (GitHub)
- Secure Authentication with the SAM R34/WLR089U0, ATECC608A and Actility Server (GitHub)
- ASFv3 LoRaWAN Stack Opened for Microchip Studio IDE (GitHub)
- H3 LoRaWAN Stack Opened for Microchip MPLAB® X IDE (GitHub)