USB Interface

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 08:54

Microchip Technology supports legacy lighting communication protocols as well as protocols that are just emerging in the lighting industry. A lighting application that requires a connection with a personal computer can be routed to the Universal Serial Bus (USB) port. Some innovative lighting applications occasionally require such a connection to be established. Several models of PIC16 microcontrollers incorporate a complete USB interface. Several interface examples are offered to simplify the transition from serial port to USB.

Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI)

The Digitally Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) has emerged as a standard in Europe to address growing power issues, mostly for commercial and industrial purposes. DALI is part of the IEC 60929 specification and relates specifically to digitally controlled dimmable fluorescent ballasts. DALI is mainly for large networked lighting systems. DALI provides bi-directional communications with uniquely addressed light sources. This allows for customized lighting schemes and the ability for the light source to relay output level, color, and other information back to the controller. Microchip offers FREE DALI code libraries to simplify development. Microchip's free code libraries and examples for PIC® MCUs help you quickly add a wide array of communication options to any lighting application. The versatility of a Microchip-based solution enables the creation of customized communication gateways and networks that allow for the interoperability of multiple protocols.

dali block diagram

Unlike analog systems, DALI does not require any hardwired power circuit control groups. The combination of individual ballast addressing with digital switching eliminates vertical switch wiring. DALI has a free-form layout. Daisy chain, star, and multi-drop topologies are all allowed. A combination of two or more topologies is also allowed.

dali free form layout

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DALI Lighting Communications Development Kit (Part Number: DV160214-1)

The Lighting Communications Development Kit provides a universal lighting development platform for the creation of communication-enabled lighting applications. The platform consists of a mainboard and various communication interface adapters to support in the development of DALI, DMX512A, as well as future protocols.

Platform Features

Main Communication Board Highlights (DM160214)

  • Populated with PIC16F1947 controlling
  • Communications
  • User Interface: LCD, buttons, slider
  • LED constant current drive
  • Populated with Cree XLamp® MC-E Color LED
  • Populated with the LEDnLIGHT optic and holder

Prototyping Communication Board Highlights (AC160214)

  • Populated with PIC16F1947 for user interface and communication
  • Breadboarding space for customized lighting development

Universal Communications Adapter Interface

DALI Starter Kit

Microchip Direct
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