Basic Op-Amp Configurations

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 08:59

non-inverting amp schematic

This part of the class explains the negative feedback in op-amp circuits and how to compute basic parameters for the basic op-amp configurations. You will learn how to:

  • Analyze three op-amp configurations including inverting and non-inverting amplifiers, and voltage followers
  • Describe impedances of these basic op-amp configurations
  • Troubleshoot op-amp circuits.

Key Concepts

  • Op-amp configurations with negative feedback
  • Op-amp impedances
  • Troubleshooting op-amp amplifiers
  • Non-inverting amplifiers
  • Inverting amplifiers
  • Voltage followers
  • Closed-loop voltage gain
  • The non-inverting amplifier has a minimum voltage gain of unity.
  • An inverting amplifier can provide gain or attenuate the output.
  • The output of an inverting amplifier is 180° out of phase with the input.
  • A voltage follower always has a gain of 1.
  • All op-amps have designed input and output impedances.
  • The use of negative feedback has a major impact on the input and output impedance that can be far different than the design parameters.

Op-amps can be connected in closed-loop or open-loop configurations.