Understanding the USART Baud Rate Macro
In this video:
- Baud rate equations to set the USART Baud Rate Register (UBRRn), based on a required baud rate and CPU frequency.
- Tables of UBRRn settings for different CPU frequencies.
- How to debug in order to check that the macro used to set UBRRn matches the recommendation in the tables.
In the previous lesson, we set up a simple USART loopback where the ATmega328PB could communicate with a Terminal program. One of the things that helped us set this up efficiently is the baud rate macro. Here, we will take a little closer look at what this macro was doing for us.
Here is the macro...
#define BAUD 9600
#define UBRR_VALUE ((F_CPU / (BAUD * 16UL)) - 1)
Referring back to the datasheet we see the equation for calculating the UBRRn value.
If you enter the following values...
- BAUD = 9600
- Fosc = 16000000
UBRRn will evaluate to 103.
Follow the procedure below for another method
Select Baud Rate and CPU Speed
We have selected 9600 baud and are running our CPU at Fosc = 16MHz
UBRRn settings
We look these values up in the UBRRn settings table to find the value that should be written to the UBBRn= register.
Write Values to UBBR0H and UBBR0L
Write these values to the UBBR0H and UBBR0L with the following code...
UBRR0L = (unsigned char) 103;
Previous Lesson:
Using the USART to Loopback from a Serial Terminal
Next Video:
Using an App Note to Implement IRQ Based USART Communications