How to Import External Libraries into Configurable Logic Block Synthesizer Tool
The CLB synthesis offers access to an external library of pre-designed logic diagrams, ready for immediate use. Here's how to access it.
From the synthesis tool, select the menu below, and open Browse library on Github...
From GitHub, select Download ZIP under Code in the next window.
Return to the menu in first step and select Load Library from File and select the ZIP folder downloaded from second step.
The library will now be available under the LIBRARY tab in the CLB tool.
To use one of the modules from the library choose the desired module and click the corresponding + button.
Once added the module, it can be viewed under DOCUMENTS.
The module is added to a design by clicking and dragging its corresponding green box under MODULES into the desired window.
At this point, the module may be moved or connected like any other component in the CLB synthesizer interface.