Temperature Management Application Notes from Microchip Technology
Last modified by Microchip on 2024/11/11 12:54
General Temperature Sensing
- AN679: Temperature Sensing Technologies
- The most popular temperature sensor technologies are discussed in detail, giving you insight into the methods of determining which sensor is most appropriate for a particular application.
- AN867: Temperature Sensing with a Programmable Gain Amplifier
- This application note discusses the implementation of temperature measurement systems from sensor to PIC® microcontroller using a Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) thermistor, a silicon temperature sensor, an anti-aliasing filter, an ADC, and a microcontroller.
- AN929: Temperature Measurement Circuits for Embedded Applications
- This application note explores selection techniques for temperature sensor and conditioning circuits to maximize measurement accuracy while simplifying the interface to a microcontroller.
- AN1001: IC Temperature Sensor Accuracy Compensation with a PIC Microcontroller
- The typical accuracy of analog and serial-output integrated circuit (IC) temperature sensors is within ±1 °C. However, at hot or cold extremes, the accuracy decreases non-linearly. This application note is based on the analog output MCP9700/9701 and serial output MCP9800 temperature sensors. It derives an equation describing the sensor’s typical non-linear characteristics, which can be used to compensate for the sensor’s accuracy error over the specified operating temperature range.
Silicon IC Temperature Sensors: Analog Output
- AN938: Interfacing a TC1047A Analog Output Temperature Sensors to a PIC Microcontroller
- This application note discusses system integration, firmware implementation, and PCB layout techniques for using the TC1047A in an embedded system.
- TB051: Precision Temperature Measurement Technical Brief
- This technical brief describes interfacing a TC1046 temperature sensor to a PIC16F872 microcontroller. An LCD 2 × 20 dot matrix is included in the design to provide additional functionality.
Silicon IC Temperature Sensors: Logic Output
- AN762: Applications of the TC62X Solid-State Temperature Sensor
- Sensing temperature and comparing that temperature to preset limits is the basis for various problems within system design and process control. This application note discusses Microchip's new generation of small, easy-to-use, temperature-sensing products, specifically the TC62X product family.
- AN773: Application Circuits of the TC620/TC621 Solid-State Temperature Sensors
- This application note discusses the benefits of the TC620/TC621 solid-state temperature sensors.
Silicon IC Temperature Sensors: Serial Output
AN10.14: Using Temperature-Sensing Diodes with Remote Thermal Sensors
This application note describes how to maintain accuracy when diodes are used as remote sensors with the multi-channel temperature sensing devices from Microchip.
- AN12.14: Remote Thermal Sensing Diode Selection Guide
- This application note is aimed at designers who build systems that use thermal sensors with remote diodes; specifically, remote diodes that are discrete bipolar junction transistors.
- AN13.19: Resistance Error Correction
- This application note describes the resistance error correction feature available on many Microchip temperature sensor devices.
- AN14.0: Microchip Dedicated Slave Devices in I²C Systems
- This document describes the key differences that may affect the successful application of Microchip’s two-wire serial interface dedicated slave devices in systems designed with an I²C master interface.
- AN16.4: Using Anti-Parallel Diodes (APDs) with Microchip’s Remote Temperature Sensing Devices
- This application note provides information on maintaining temperature measurement accuracy and noise immunity when using APDs with Microchip’s APD temperature sensing devices.
- AN18.15: PCB Design Guidelines for QFN and DQFN Packages
- This application note provides information on general printed circuit board (PCB) layout considerations for Microchip products using Quad Flat No-lead (QFN) and Dual Quad Flat No-lead (DQFN) packages. It is written for users who are familiar with PCB design, including signal integrity and thermal management implementation concepts.
- AN871: Solving Thermal Measurement Problems Using the TC72 and TC77 Digital Silicon Temperature Sensors
- This application note discusses the benefits of the TC72/TC77 temperature sensors by analyzing their internal circuitry, illustrating the principles these sensors employ to measure temperature accurately.
- AN913: Interfacing the TC77 Thermal Sensor to a PICtail™ Board
- This application note discusses system integration, firmware implementation, and PCB layout techniques for using the TC77 in an embedded system.
- AN940: Interfacing the TC72 SPI Digital Temperature Sensor to a PICmicro MCU
- This application note demonstrates techniques for integrating the TC72 into an embedded system using the PICkit™ 1 Flash Starter Kit.
- TB050: Monitoring Multiple Temperature Nodes Using TC74 Thermal Sensors and a PIC16C505
- The PIC16C505 is a 14-pin MCU that can easily interface to the TC74. This technical brief illustrates the ease of interfacing these two products.
- TB052: Multizone Temperature Monitoring with the TCN75 Thermal Sensor
- This technical brief presents an example of a simple, multizone thermal-monitoring system using the Hardware mode of the Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) module of a PIC microcontroller.
- AN684: Single-Supply Temperature Sensing with Thermocouples
- This application note focuses on circuit solutions that use thermocouples in their design. The signal-conditioning path for the thermocouple system is discussed, followed by complete application circuits.
- AN687: Precision Temperature Sensing with RTD Circuits
- This application note focuses on circuit solutions that use platinum RTDs in their design.
- AN895: Oscillator Circuits fo RTD Temperature Sensors
- This application note demonstrates how to design a temperature sensor oscillator circuit using Microchip’s low-cost MCP001 operational amplifier and the MCP6541 comparator.
- ADM00768: MCP9904 Multi-Channel Temperature Sensor Evaluation Board
- ADM00879: EMC2305/EMC1438 Fan Controller Evaluation Board
- ADM00773: EMC1833 Multi-Channel Temperature Sensor Evaluation Board
- ADM00902: EMC2103-4 Fan Controller With Multi-Channel Temperature Sensor Evaluation Board