Installing the Atmel Studio QTouch® Library (Legacy Tool)

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 08:55


Open Atmel Studio 7

Open Atmel Studio IDE and in the Tools menu select Extensions and Updates.

Tools menu select Extensions and Updates

Search for the QTouch® Library

In the Extensions and Updates window, select Available Downloads and enter "QTouch" in the Search box.

Select QTouch Library and click Download.

Extensions and Updates window

Sign in to Gallery Dashboard

The next window will ask you to log into your myAtmel account.

If you don't have an account you can create one at this point by clicking on the link "New User?".

myAtmel account login screen

License Agreement

The QTouch Library will start downloading and you will be asked to agree to the License Terms before Installation can begin. Click on Install to agree to the terms.

License  Agreement Terms

Installation Complete

The QTouch Library will finish installing and you will be asked to restart Atmel Studio for the changes to take effect. Click on the Restart Now button in the bottom right of the Extensions and Updates window.

Restart Now button in Extensions and Updates window