Introduction to MPLAB® Data Visualizer Touch Plugin

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 08:55


This page provides information on using the Touch plugin for MPLAB® Data Visualizer.


Go to Menu > Tools > Plugins.

Select the MPLAB Touch plugin from the Available Plugins tab and click on Install.

MPLAB Touch plugin from the Available Plugins tab


Touch Plug In Configuration View

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Section I: Connection

Select the COM port in the Connections tab.

COM port view in the Connections tab

Update the Baud Rate in COM Settings.

Baud Rate setting in COM Settings

Start COM port streaming.

COM port serial streaming

Select Touch in the Connections tab.

Touch session indicator in the Connections tab

Choose the COM port as the data source.

Select COM port as the data source.

Start Touch streaming.

Start Touch streaming

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Section II: Configuration

Select any one of the listed options other than Output Data. In this case, we selected Sensor Key Parameters.

Sensor Key Parameters Selected

Under the Configuration tab, select and modify any one of the parameters in the table.

Configuration tab view

Once the required parameters are changed, the Write to kit button changes its color to yellow. Then click on the Write to kit button. If the write is successful, the button will change to green indicating success; else, it will change to red, indicating an error with the kit.

Write to kit button and then click on the Write to kit button

Click on Read from Kit to retrieve the configuration from the kit.

Read from Kit view

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Section III: Graph

For CVD Devices:

The Graph is automatically populated for Deviation and Pressed parameters for the sensors.

For PTC Devices:

The Graph is automatically populated for State and Delta parameters for the sensors.

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