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Touch and Input Sensing Products

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 08:55

Microchip's Touch and Input Sensing technology serves four application areas: Keys, Sliders, and ProximityTouch Screens and Touch Pads3D Tracking and Gesture Sensing, and Haptics. Click on the links in each section to be taken to a parametric search engine that will help you select a product in that area.

Keys, Sliders, and Proximity

RightTouch® - Stand-alone and Turnkey Touch controllers

TechnologyInput Channels# of touchesInterface(s)Proximity
Self-Capacitiveup to 141I2C, SPIyes

Stand-Alone Touch Products (Parametric search)

mTouch® - Touch Enabled PIC® MCU products

TechnologyInput Channels# of touchesInterface(s)Proximity
Self-Capacitiveup to 321——yes

Touch Capable PIC MCUs (Parametric search)

Touch Screens and Touch Pads

Analog Resistive Products

TechnologyInput Channels# of touchesInterface(s)Proximity
Analog Resistive4,5 and 8 wire1I2C, SPI, UARTno

Analog Resistive Technology and Products

3D Tracking and Gesture Sensing

GestIC® Technology tracking allows users to interact with their devices using hand/finger position tracking and intuitive free-space gestures in real-time. 3D sensing and gesture recognition is implemented with the MGC313x family of controllers.

TechnologyInput Channels# of touchesInterface(s)Proximity
E-field5n/aI2C , SPIyes

GestIC® Air Gesture Controllers (Product information)
GestIC® Technology Basics (E-Field Technology)


Haptics provides tactile feedback to the user by applying forces or vibrations. Microchip implements haptic feedback with the MTCH810 controller.

TechnologyInput Channels# of touchesInterface(s)Proximity

MTCH810 (Product information)