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Generate Microchip Kits Touch Project

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/10 11:18

QTouch® library example projects for Microchip kits are available as part of Atmel START. This page provides information on how to download example projects from Atmel START.

Steps to Download Touch Example Projects

Go to Microchip's Atmel START page and select Browse Examples.

Atmel START homepage with "Browse Examples" button highlighted

In the search text box, enter "qtouch" to filter touch projects only.

The Browse Examples window, "qtouch" entered in the filter box

The QTouch example projects will be displayed. Select the desired project and click Download Selected Example.

The Browse Examples window with qtouch example projects listed and ATmega328PB-XMini-touch-project selected

After downloading the project, you can either import to IAR Embedded Workbench or to Microchip Studio (formerly Atmel Studio).