What's New on Developer Help

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/07/22 07:00

Check Out Our New Features and Content!

Completely Reorganized

The entire site has been reorganized in order to make all our training material easier to find.  There are now three major categories:

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New Look!

New cleaner look with less clutter.  Easier to view and scan for the information that is important to you.


Old DeveloperHelp Page


New DeveloperHelp Page

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Faster Load Times!

I can't show you this one, but we have completely revamped our backend.  New server and new wiki engine driving the entire system.

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New Table of Contents on Every Page

Jump directly to Section Titles using the "On This Page" listed in the right hand panel.

Shows the table of contents listed on a page

Example from this page

Use Back to top Links at the end of Sections to return to the top of the page.

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New Content Every Week

We will be adding and updating content every week (sometimes more!). So keep an eye out for new articles and new how-to's.

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