MCP39F511N Power Monitoring IC
The MCP39F511N is a highly integrated, dual-channel single-phase power-monitoring Integrated Circuit (IC) designed for real-time measurement of power for dual-socket wall outlets, power strips, AC/DC power supplies, and power distribution applications. The MCP39F511 calculates active power, reactive power, accumulated energy, Root-Mean-Square (RMS) current, RMS voltage, power factor, line frequency, and offers several features useful to power monitoring designs. It includes three Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) for voltage and two current load measurements, a 16-bit calculation engine, Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory (EEPROM), and a flexible 2-wire interface. An integrated low-drift voltage reference, in addition to the 94.5 dB of SINAD performance on each current measurement channel allows for better than 0.5 percent accurate designs across a 4000:1 dynamic range.
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MCP39F511N Features
- Power Monitoring Accuracy
- Built-In Calculations:
- Active, Reactive, Apparent Power
- Active and Reactive Energy Accumulation
- True RMS Current, RMS Voltage
- Line Frequency, Power Factor
- Dedicated Zero Crossing Detection (ZCD) Pin
- Dedicated Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Output Pin
- Automatic Event Pin Control through Fast Voltage Surge Detection
- Fast Calibration Routines
- 2-wire UART: Baud Rate up to 115.2 kbps
- 512 bytes User-accessible EEPROM through page read/write commands
- Low-Drift Internal Voltage Reference: 10 ppm/°C typical
- 28-lead 5x5 QFN package
- Extended Temperature Range -40°C to +125°C
- AEC-Q100 qualified
MCP39F511N Block Diagram
MCP39F511N Typical Application (Single Phase, 2-Wire Application Schematic)
- The MCP39F511 demonstration board uses a switching power supply. A low-cost capacitive-based supply is sufficient for many applications.
- The external sensing components shown here: a 2 mΩ shunt, 2 499 kΩ, and 1 kΩ resistor for the 1000:1 voltage divider are specifically chosen to match the default values for the calibration registers. By choosing low-tolerance components of these values (e.g. 1 percent tolerance), measurement accuracy in the 2-3 percent range can be achieved with 0 calibration.
MCP39F5011 Pin Descriptions
MCP39F511 5x5 QFN | Symbol | Function |
1 | EVENT1 | Event 1 Output pin |
2, 3, 8, 9 | NC | No Connect (must be left floating) |
4 | UART_RX | UART Communication RX pin |
5 | COMMONA | Common pin A, to be connected to pin 13 (COMMONB) |
6 | OSCI | Oscillator Crystal Connection pin or External Clock Input pin |
7 | OSCO | Oscillator Crystal Connection pin |
10 | RESET | Reset pin for Delta-Sigma ADCs |
11 | AVDD | Analog Power Supply pin |
12 | UART_TX | UART Communication TX pin |
13 | COMMONB | Common pin B, to be connected to pin 5 (COMMONA) |
14 | PWM | Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM) Output pin |
15 | EVENT2 | Event 2 Output pin |
16 | I1+ | Non inverting Current Channel Input for 24-bit ∆∑ ADC |
17 | I1- | Inverting Current Channel Input for 24-bit ∆∑ ADC |
18 | V1- | Inverting Voltage Channel Input for 24-bit ∆∑ ADC |
19 | V1+ | Non-inverting Voltage Channel Input for 24-bit ∆∑ ADC |
20 | AN_IN | Analog Input for SAR ADC |
21 | AGND | Analog Ground Pin, return path for internal analog circuitry |
22 | ZCD | Zero Crossing Detection Output |
23 | REFIN+/OUT | Non-inverting Voltage Reference Input and Internal Reference Output Pin |
24, 27 | DGND | Digital Ground pin, return path for internal digital circuitry |
25 | DVDD | Digital Power Supply pin |
26 | MCLR | Master Clear for device |
28 | DR | Data Ready (must be left floating) |
29 | EP | Exposed Thermal Pad (to be connected to pins 24 and 27 (DGND)) |
MCP39F511 Power Monitor Demonstration Board (Part number: ADM00667)
The MCP39F511 Power Monitor Demonstration Board is a fully functional, single-phase power monitor and demonstrates the features of the MCP39F511. It connects easily through USB to the Power Monitor Utility Software. The software offers automated control to allow you to easily experiment with all system configuration settings such as PWM output frequencies, zero crossing detection options, and event configurations, among many others.
- Displays Active, Reactive, Apparent Power, RMS Current, RMS Voltage, Line Frequency, Import/Export Active Energy, and Four Quadrant Reactive Energy.
- Event notifications including Over Current, Over Power, Voltage Sag, and Voltage Surge.
- Device configuration through PC software, including Event Notifications, Calibration, EEPROM read/writes, PWM Control, and Energy Accumulation Start/Reset.
- Direct connect to 90 V-240 VAC operation.
- 15 A maximum recommended load.
Microchip Direct
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