PIC32MX3/4 MCU Family Reference

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:31

This page connects you with all the information you need to evaluate and design with Microchip's 32-bit PIC32MX3/4 families of microcontrollers.

Family Overview

PIC32MX3This family has a maximum operating frequency of 120 MHz. Notable peripherals include two Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI)/Integrated Interchip Sound (I2S) interfaces for audio codecs, an 8-bit Parallel Master Port (PMP) for graphics or external memory, and an onboard 28-channel, 1 Msps Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC).
PIC32MX4This family builds on the PIC32MX3 with the addition of full-speed USB 2.0 Device/Host/On-The-Go (OTG).

Use the parametric search engine to see device-specific details:
PIC32MX parametric search >

Family Specialty:

  • 512 KB flash and USB

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