SAM D21 Timer/Counter (TC) Overview
Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 09:01
The SAM D21 Timer/Counter (TC) module provides a set of timing and counting-related functionality, such as the generation of periodic waveforms, the capturing of a periodic waveform's frequency/duty cycle, and software timekeeping for periodic operations. TC modules can be configured to use an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit counter size.
Timer/Counter Features
- Selectable configuration
- Up to five 16-bit TCs, each configurable as:
- 8-bit TC with two compare/capture channels
- 16-bit TC with two compare/capture channels
- 32-bit TC with two compare/capture channels, by using two TCs
- Waveform generation
- Frequency generation
- Single-slope pulse-width modulation
- Input capture
- Event capture
- Frequency capture
- Pulse-width capture
- One input event
- Interrupts/output events on:
- Counter overflow/underflow
- Compare match or capture
- Internal prescaler
- Can be used with DMA and to trigger DMA transactions