picoPower® Technology and Putting an Application to Sleep
Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 09:02
AVR® Microcontroller (MCU): picoPower® Technology and Putting an Application to Sleep
In this video:
- Revisit AVR® Libc support for sleep.
- Disable the Brown-out detector when sleeping.
- Provide an overview of the solution project to AVR hands-on megaAVR® device picoPower technology, which uses a very similar application to the one we have developed.
- Explore the techniques used to save power:
- General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) set as inputs with pull-ups enabled.
- Use the Power Reduction register to turn off the clocks to unused peripherals.
- Use the Asynchronous Timer-Counter 2 which can be clocked directly from a Real Time Clock (RTC).
- Set the Sleep mode to Power-Save mode.
- In the while loop, if the send flag is set after sending the Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) string, it puts the AVR MCU to sleep.