8-bit PIC® MCU Low Power Terminology

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/09/25 13:46


CPU (Central Processing Unit)The primary component of the microcontroller that performs calculations and executes instructions.
Data MemoryThe memory area where variables and data are stored during program execution. In this training, it is analogous to RAM.
DSBOR (Deep Sleep Brown-Out Reset)A reset triggered by low voltage conditions while the microcontroller is in Deep Sleep mode.
DSWDT (Deep Sleep Watchdog Timer)A watchdog timer specifically designed for low-power sleep modes.
FOSCThe frequency at which a microcontroller's primary clock operates, affecting its processing speed.
GIE (Global Interrupt Enable)A control bit that enables or disables all interrupt sources in a microcontroller.
GIEL/H (Global Interrupt Enable Low/High)Specific settings to enable or disable low-priority or high-priority interrupts.
GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output)Pins on a microcontroller that can be configured as either input or output for various functions.
INTRC (Internal Oscillator)An internal clock source within a microcontroller that can be used for timing functions.
INT0An external interrupt source that can trigger an interrupt service routine based on external events.
IOC (Interrupt-On-Change)A feature that allows GPIO pins to generate interrupts when their state changes.
ISR (Interrupt Service Routine)A special function that executes in response to an interrupt, allowing the microcontroller to react to events.
LDO (Low Dropout Regulator)In this training, refers to the internal regulator used to produce Vddcore voltage.
LPBOR (Low Power Brown-Out Reset)A reset feature that triggers when the supply voltage drops below a certain threshold during low-power operation.
MCLR ResetA reset pin that, when activated, resets the microcontroller to a known state.
MCU (Microcontroller Unit)A compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific operation in an embedded system, containing a CPU, memory, and peripherals.
PFM (Program Flash Memory)Non-volatile memory the CPU uses to fetch instructions or store data.
PMD (Peripheral Module Disable)A feature used to enable or disable peripheral modules in a microcontroller to save power.
POR (Power-On Reset)A feature that ensures the microcontroller starts in a defined state when power is applied.
Program CounterA register that holds the address of the next instruction to be executed by the CPU. Its value is stored as SFR locations that can be read and written.
RAM (Random Access Memory)A type of volatile memory used to store data temporarily while a microcontroller is powered on. In this training, it is analogous to Data Memory.
RTCC (Real-Time Clock Calendar)A device that keeps track of the current time and date, even when the main power is turned off.
SFR (Special Function Register)A register in a microcontroller that controls specific functions or features, such as I/O operations.
TRIS (Tri-state Control Register)A register used to configure the direction (input/output) of GPIO pins on a microcontroller.
ULPWU (Ultra Low Power Wake-Up)A feature that allows a microcontroller to wake up from low-power modes efficiently using an external charging capacitor.
VddcoreThe internal regulator’s output voltage used to power the CPU and PFM. It is typically set at a lower voltage than Vdd to conserve power.
WDT (Watchdog Timer)A timer that automatically resets the system if the software fails to reset it, ensuring reliability in embedded applications.
WWDT (Windowed Watchdog Timer)A watchdog timer that requires the software to reset it within a defined window of time to avoid system resets.

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