Modify Current Filter
The Modify Current Filter tab has sections for general settings of the filter and settings for individual stages of the filter. In the General section, you can change filter parameters, components, and simulator settings by going to each associated tab. Within the stage sections, each stage can be individually configured for a customized response.
General Settings
In Filter Parameters, you can choose the filter type, topology, passband frequency, order, gain, and passband attenuation.
In Filter Components, you can choose resistor and capacitor tolerances, power supply type and voltage, and the specific op amp or type of op amp.
In Simulator Settings, you can select from a variety of filter analyses to calculate including group delay, input impedance, step response, and noise. See Table 1 - Definitions for more information.
Stage Settings
In the Filter Parameters tab, you can adjust filter topology and coefficients. See Table 1 - Definitions for more information.
In the Filter Components tab, you can set a particular capacitor value for one of the capacitors in the stage. You can also choose a particular op amp (if Choose my own op amp is enabled under General > Filter Components) and different supply voltages.