Precedence (Order of Operations)

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 09:06

In the following table operators grouped together in a section have the same precedence. For example, the first four entries in this table (), [], ., and -> all share the same precedence. These four operators follow the rule of Left-to-Right associativity which is used as a tie breaker when two or more of these appear in the same expression. The next group of operators starting with + and ending with (type) all share the next level of precedence.

( )
[ ]
Parenthesized Expression
Array Subscript
Structure Member
Structure Pointer
Left - to - Right
+ -
++ - -
! ~
Unary + and - (Postitive and Negative Signs)
Increment and Decrement
Logical NOT and Bitwise Complement
Dereference (Pointer)
Address of
Size of Expression or Type
Explicit Typecast
Right - to - Left
* / %Multiply, Divide, and ModulusLeft - to - Right
+ -Add and SubtractLeft - to - Right
« »Shift Left and Shift RightLeft - to - Right
< <=
> >=
Less Than and Less Than or Equal To
Greater Than and Greater Than or Equal To
Left - to - Right
== !=Equal To and Not Equal ToLeft - to - Right
&Bitwise ANDLeft - to - Right
^Bitwise XORLeft - to - Right
|Bitwise ORLeft - to - Right
&&Logical ANDLeft - to - Right
||Logical ORLeft - to - Right
?:Conditional OperatorRight - to - Left
+= -=
/= *=
«= »=
&= |=
Addition and Subtraction Assignments
Division and Multiplication Assignments
Modulus Assignment
Shift Left and Shift Right Assignments
Bitwise AND and OR Assignements
Bitwise XOR Assignment
Right - to - Left
,Comma OperatorLeft - to - Right

When expressions contain multiple operators, their precedence determines the order of evaluation

ExpressionEffective Expression
a - b * ca - (b * c)
a + ++ba + (++b)
a + ++b * ca + ((++b)*c)

If functions are used in an expression, there is no set order of evaluation for the functions themselves.
For example:
x = f() + g()
There is no way to know if f() or g() will be evaluated first. 


If two operators have the same precedence, their associativity determines the order of evaluation.

ExpressionAssociativityEffective Expression
x / y % zLeft - to - Right(x / y) % z
x = y = zRight - to - Leftx = (y = z)
~++xRight - to - Left~(++x)

You can rely on these rules, but it is good programming practice to explicitly group elements of an expression by using parentheses.