Processing User Input in a Graphics Application
This page describes how to process user input in a graphics application. There are two primary ways user data is input into a graphics application. The first method of inputting data is by using a touch screen. The second method of getting user data is by a change to a PIC® MCU peripheral. A change in a peripheral could be a digital input, an analog input, or a change to a Special Function Registers (SFR) value such as a timer register.
In this article, you'll learn how the user program can decode a touch event detected by GetTouchMsg. Additionally, we'll cover how the user can write code to record and process a change to an MCU peripheral. how to decode a touch event detected by GetTouchMsg in your user program.
Process Overview
For touch events, GFX_GOL_ObjectMessage processes the message structure (Msg) loaded by TouchGetMsg.
- Translates Msg to see if an object in the display list experienced a touch event.
- If an event has contacted an object AND the object can accept the event, the user-written callback function is called to perform specific MCU action.
- The callback function has the option of performing custom changes to multiple objects in the display list or allowing GFX_GOL_ObjectMessage to administer default settings for the object based on the event.
Setting Up the Callback Function
The callback function is written by the user and may be given any valid function name. The user-written callback function is set as the "Message Callback" by GFX_GOl_MessageCallbackSet (see example). The inputs to the callback function are GFX_GOL_TRANSLATED_ACTION, a pointer to the Object touched, and a pointer to Msg.
GFX_GOL_MessageCallbackSet | |
Input | User-written function to be set as the Message Callback Function |
Returns | Establishes the function as the Message Callback Function |
The types of actions that are translated are contained in the enumeration GFX_GOL_TRANSLATED_ACTION. The definition is found in the gfx_gol.h file.
Processing Touch Events
Examples of Touch Event Processing
Example 1: Processing a Simple Object
Given the following conditions:
- A screen defined with one button
- The ObjectID of the button set to button1
- A requirement to run the function Start_Machine when the button is pushed
- A requirement to run the function Stop_Machine when the button is released
- The appearance of the button will take the default conditions for a pushed or released button object
Code to implement the callback function could be:
Example 2: One Touch Affecting Multiple Objects
The Message Callback function could be implemented with the following steps:
Import Required Images
This example requires two images to be imported into the project. The tutorial on working with graphics primitives will give you the information to import images into your project. The two arrow images used in this example are called UpArrow and DownArrow.
Add Definitions and Create Objects
Write the Message Callback Function
Set the Message Callback Functions
Processing Non-touch Events
Example: Non-touch Event Processing
The user application can be written to accept and use input from sources other than the touch screen. The application can be written such that a change to a non-touch element (input pin or SFR) causes the display to be changed.
Make Display Changes in Safe Zone
The "Safe" Zone
Altering the state-bits of the display list while the list is being processed by GFX_GOL_ObjectListDraw can result in anomalies in the image being displayed.
To avoid problems with the display the only safe place to update the list of objects is after the drawing function returns a true condition
Sample Code
The following code could be used to implement this requirement: