Rapid Prototyping a Bluetooth® Smart Appliance Control Application on a 32-bit MCU-based Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit Using MPLAB® Harmony v3 Software Framework: Step 7

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 09:08


Add Application Code to the Project

The custom eink_bundle_image.c and eink_bundle_image.h files for this application are pre-developed and are available in <your unzip folder>/pic32cmmc_smart_appliance_control /dev_files/pic32cm_mc00_cnano folder.

The eink_bundle_image.c file contains the image array.

  • Go to the pic32cmmc_smart_appliance_control /dev_files/pic32cm_mc00_cnano folder and copy the pre-developed eink_bundle_image.c and eink_bundle_image.h files.
  • Replace the eink_bundle_image.c and eink_bundle_image.h file of your project available at <Your project folder>/ pic32cmmc_smart_appliance_control /firmware/click_routines/eink_bundle/ by over-writing it with the copied file.

The application is already partially developed and is available in the main.c file under <your unzip folder>/pic32cmmc_smart_appliance_control/dev_files/pic32cm_mc00_cnano. The main.c file contains the application logic. It also contains placeholders that you will populate with the necessary code in the next step.

  • Go to the pic32cmmc_smart_appliance_control /dev_files/pic32cm_mc00_cnano folder and copy the pre-developed main.c file.
  • Replace (over-write) the main.c file of your project available at <Your project folder>/pic32cmmc_smart_appliance_control /firmware/src with the copied file.
  • Open main.c in MPLAB® X IDE and add the application code by following the steps below:

Under the main.c file, in the main() function, notice the call to the SYS_Initialize function. The generated SYS_Initialize function initializes all the peripheral modules used in the application, configured through MPLAB Harmony Configurator (MHC).

generated SYS_Initialize function

In the int main (void) function, below the SYS_Initialize() function call, add the below lines of code to initialize Fan Click, eINK Click, and BM71 BLE



    eink_set_font( guiFont_Tahoma_14_Regular, EINK_COLOR_BLACK, FO_HORIZONTAL);

    strcpy(BLE_Cmd_buf, (char *)"TEMP_CTRL");

code to initialize Fan Click, eINK Click, and BM71 BLE



a. The CLICK_FAN_TimerStart function call starts the systick timer necessary for the Fan Click.

b. The CLICK_FAN_DelayMs function call creates a blocking delay.

c. The fan_init function call initializes the Fan Click.
The fan_switch_off function call switches off the fan.

d. The eink_init function initializes the eINK Click display.
The eink_set_font function sets the font for the eINK Click display.
The eink_image_bmp function displays the image on the eINK Click display.

e. The DRV_BM71_Initialize and bleInitialize function initializes the BM71 driver.

Add this code inside the previous code to add tasks related to BLE.


code related to BLE

Add the code related to the weather sensor. To read the environmental temperature from the Weather Click, the user will choose the temperature-based Fan Control mode and the application will read the temperature values from a weather sensor. It will then display them on the eINK display, control a DC fan, and update the fan speed on the eINK display.

if(!strncmp(BLE_Cmd_buf, "TEMP_CTRL", 9))
           temperature =(int16_t)Weather_getTemperatureDegC();

           if(temperature >=18 && temperature <=25 )
               sprintf(buffer1, "    LOW");
             else if(temperature >=26 && temperature <=30 )
               sprintf(buffer1, "MEDIUM");
             else if(temperature > 30)
               sprintf(buffer1, "    HIGH");
             else if(temperature < 18)
               sprintf(buffer1, "OFF");
            sprintf(buffer, "%d C",temperature);
            if(Isble_adv_started() == true){
               if(((strcmp(temp_buffer,buffer1)) != 0)|(dummy_temperature != temperature ))
                   dummy_temperature = temperature;
                   eink_text(buffer,18,73 );
                   eink_text("Tempr =",0,55 );
                   eink_text(buffer1,0,145 );

image showing the if statement

Following the above if statement, add an else if statement where the user can control the fan from the BLE-based MBD app running on the connected smartphone by sending commands and update the fan speed on eINK display.

 else if(!strncmp(BLE_Cmd_buf, "BLE_CTRL", 8))
           if(!strcmp((char *)&BLE_Cmd_buf[8 + 1], "FAN_ON"))
                sprintf(buffer1, "    ON");
           else if(!strcmp((char *)&BLE_Cmd_buf[8 + 1], "FAN_LOW"))
               sprintf(buffer1, "    LOW");
           else if(!strcmp((char *)&BLE_Cmd_buf[8 + 1], "FAN_MID"))
               sprintf(buffer1, "MEDIUM");
           else if(!strcmp((char *)&BLE_Cmd_buf[8 + 1], "FAN_HIGH"))
               sprintf(buffer1, "    HIGH");
           else if(!strcmp((char *)&BLE_Cmd_buf[8 + 1], "FAN_OFF"))
                sprintf(buffer1, "    OFF");
           memset(BLE_Cmd_buf, 0x00, 100);
           if((strcmp(temp_buffer,buffer1)) != 0)
               eink_text(buffer1,0,145 );

 image showing the if else statement

You are now ready to build the code and observe the results!