MPLAB® Harmony v3 Peripheral Libraries on SAM D5x/E5x: Step 3
Configure Switch Button Pin to Generate an Interrupt
In the MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC), select the Pin Settings tab and then scroll down to 122 in the Pin Number column and configure the PORT pin PB31 as an external interrupt pin for switch functionality as shown in the accompanying image. The internal pull-up is enabled to avoid false edge detection as there is no external pull-up on the SAM E54 Xplained Pro Evaluation Kit.
Select the Project Graph tab.
Add the External Interrupt Controller (EIC) to the project.
Under the left side tab, Resource Management (MCC), go to Device Resources and expand Libraries > Harmony > Peripheral > EIC.
Select and double click on EIC to add the EIC module to the project.
Configure the EIC block to generate an interrupt every time the user presses the switch SW0 as shown in the accompanying image, and enable debounce functionality to avoid debouncing on switch pin.
Configure LED Pin
Select the MCC Pin Settings tab and then scroll down to 72 in the Pin Number column and configure the PORT pin PC18 as an output pin for LED functionality as shown in the accompanying image.
Rename the Default Main File
Under the Project Graph tab, click on System, and configure as it to give a name of your liking to the default template main file generated by the MCC.