High Resolution Monitor Configuration in the MPLAB® X IDE
Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:29
When using MPLAB® X IDE on high Dots per Inch (DPI) / Ultra High Definition (UHD) monitors, there may be issues.
Because MPLAB X IDE is based on the NetBeans platform, some issues may stem from the way NetBeans works on the high DPI monitors:
Also, system graphics drivers and even the Java Run-Time Environment (JRE) could be part of the issue.
See some solutions below.
Change Interface Settings
If the MPLAB X IDE desktop looks “fuzzy”, modify the interface behavior.
- To change default options:
- Find the mplab_ide.conf file under <MPLAB X IDE install directory>\mplab_platform\etc.
- Open the file in an editor and find default_options=.
- Insert -J-Dsun.java2d.dpiaware=false into the string and save.
- Restart MPLAB X IDE.
- To override scaling behavior:
- Right click on a shortcut, such as the desktop icon, or an executable file (mplab_ide.exe or mplab_ide64.exe) and select Properties. Find the IDE executables under <MPLAB X IDE install directory>\mplab_platform\bin.
- Click on the Compatibility tab of the Properties dialog.
- In the Settings section, select an option worded as Override High DPI scaling behavior.
- Restart MPLAB X IDE.
Change Font Size
- To set the basic font size, use the following executable option: -fontsize=size, where size is in points. See also: FaqFontSize.
- To clear font settings: erase, rename, or move the cache and/or user directories (see Help > About for locations). Then restart MPLAB X IDE.