Files in MPLAB® X IDE Projects

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:31

This section discusses methods used to manipulate files in MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) projects.

File window in MPLAB X

Creating a New Source File

MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides several file templates which can be used as a starting point to create new source code files in your project. On this page, we will show you how to create a new main.c file as well as a new header file in an empty PIC® MCU project.

Projects Window View

This video provides a short review of the MPLAB X IDE's Projects window/tab view:

  • Identify the difference between the Projects window and Files window
  • Identify where various project files are located in the Projects window

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Creating a New Source Code File

This video will show you how to add a new main.c file to your project using a provided file template in MPLAB X IDE:

  • Open the New File wizard
  • Select an appropriate main.c file template
  • Perform a clean build


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Creating a New Header File

This video will show you how to add a new header source code file to your project using a provided file template in MPLAB X IDE:

  • Open the New File wizard
  • Select an appropriate C/C++ header file template
  • Add content to the header file
  • Modify main.c to #include the new header file
  • Perform a clean build


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Adding An Existing Source Code File

This video outlines a simple method for adding existing source code files to a project.

  • Copy files into the project folder using a file browser
  • Add files to the project in MPLAB X IDE


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Deleting files from a project

This video outlines methods for permanently deleting files from projects:

  • Deleting files from the Files tab
    • Right click on the filename
    • Select Delete
    • In the confirmation window click Yes
    • Next, remove the file reference from your project
    • Right click on the filename in the project window
    • Select Remove from Project
  • Deleting files using your file manager
    • Right click on the filename in File Manager
    • Select Move to Trash
    • Next, remove the file reference from your project
    • Right click on the filename in the project window
    • Select Remove from Project

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File Renaming

  • Open the Project or Files tab
  • Right Click on the filename
  • Select Rename
  • Enter the new name
  • Hit Ok
  • Your done!



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Removing Files From a Project Build

This video outlines two methods for removing files from a project build:

  • Exclude file from the current project configuration
    • Right Click on file name in the project window
    • Select Exclude File from Current Configuration


  • Remove file from the project
    • Right click on file name in the project window
    • Select Remove from Project


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