Main Menu of the MPLAB® X IDE

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:35

MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment's (IDE) menu is located at the top of the IDE user interface. The menu is a list of pull-down sub-menus, which allow the user to access all IDE functions. To access a sub-menu, click on any of the main menu names then scroll horizontally. 


Available Menus

Below are descriptions of the individual sub-menu items.


  • New Project: Creates a new project with the New Project wizard.
  • New File: Creates a new file with the New File wizard.
  • Open Project: Opens an existing project.
  • Open Recent: Project displays a list of all recently-opened projects for selection. This list can be cleared by deleting the file /config/Preferences/org/netbeans/modules/ under the User directory (where the path may be found under Help > About).
  • Import: Imports one of the following:
    • Hex/ELF... (Prebuilt) File – built with another tool.
    • MPLAB IDE v8 Project – launch Import Legacy Project wizard.
    • Other Embedded – import from another embedded platform.
    • From ZIP – import from a zipped project, i.e., unzip and import.
  • Close Project: Closes the current project.
  • Close Other Projects: Closes all projects except for the main project.
  • Close All Projects: Closes all open projects.
  • Open File: Opens an existing file.
  • Open Recent File: Displays a list of all recently-opened files for selection.
  • Project Group: Associates the current project with a group.
  • Project Properties: Opens the Project Properties window.
  • Save: Saves the current file.
  • Save As: Saves the current file under a new path and/or name.
  • Save All: Saves all open files. If the “Compile on Save” feature is selected, this will also compile/build project files.
  • Page Setup: Sets up the page for printing.
  • Print: Shows a print preview of the current file and allows printing.
  • Print to HTML: Prints the current file to a new file in HTML format.
  • Exit: Quits MPLAB X IDE.

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The Edit menu command assists the developer in editing the MPLAB X IDE application code.  For information on how to perform edits, please visit the "Using the MPLAB X Editor" page.

  • Undo: Reverses (one at a time) a series of editor actions, except Save.
  • Redo: Reverses (one at a time) a series of Undo commands.
  • Cut: Deletes the current selection and places it on the clipboard.
  • Copy: Copies the current selection to the clipboard.
  • Paste: Pastes the contents of the clipboard into the insertion point.
  • Paste Formatted: Pastes the formatted contents of the clipboard into the insertion point.
  • Paste from History: Pastes from Copy history.
  • Delete: Deletes the current selection.
  • Select All: Selects everything in the current document or window.
  • Select Identifier: Selects the word nearest the cursor.
  • Find Selection: Finds instances of the current selection.
  • Find Next: Finds the next instance of found text.
  • Find Previous: Finds the previous instance of found text.
  • Find: Finds a text string.
  • Replace: Finds a string of text and replaces it with the string specified.
  • Find Usages: Finds usages and subtypes of selected code.
  • Find in Projects: Finds specified text, object names and object types within projects.
  • Replace in Projects: Replaces text, object names and object types within projects.
  • Start Macro Recording: Starts recording keystrokes.
  • Stop Macro Recording: Stops recording keystrokes. To manage macros, select Tools > Options then the Editor button, followed by the Macros tab.

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  • Editors
    • History: Show the history of edits to this file
    • Source: Show the source code in this file.
  • Code Folds
    • Collapse Fold: If the insertion point is in a foldable section of the text, collapse those lines into one line.
    • Collapse AllCollapses all foldable sections of text in the Source Editor.
    • Expand AllExpands all foldable sections of text in the Source Editor. 
    • Collapse Fold Tree: Collapses all folds in a nested group of folds. 
    • Expand Fold TreeExpands all folds in a nested group of folds. Web Browser Opens the default web browser to the NetBeans home page. 
  • IDE Log: Opens the log file in a tab of the Output window. 
  • Toolbars: Shows the associated toolbars. 
  • Show Editor Toolbar: Shows the editor toolbar on the File tab.
  • Show Line Numbers: Shows line numbers in the left margin.
  • Show Non-printable Characters: Shows characters even if they are not printable (non-ASCII).
  • Show Breadcrumbs: Shows breadcrumbs, or the path to the file from the project file, on the bottom of the Editor window.
  • Show Indent Guide Lines: Shows faint lines to represent indents.
  • Show Diff Sidebar: Shows the DIFF sidebar.
  • Show Versioning Labels: Shows version labels.
  • Synchronize Editor with Views: Synchronizes the editor with open views.
  • Show Only: Editor Shows editor window in full IDE window.
  • Full Screen: Expands window to full length and breadth of screen

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  • Go to File: Finds and opens a specific file.
  • Go to Type: Finds and opens a specific class or interface.
  • Go to Symbol: Finds the symbol name as specified.
  • Go to Previous Window: Gives focus to the previously selected window.
  • Go to Source: Displays the source file containing the definition of the selected class.
  • Go to Declaration: Jumps to the declaration of the item under the cursor.
  • Go to Super Implementation: Jumps to the super implementation of the item under the cursor.
  • Last Edit Location: Scrolls the editor to the last place where editing occurred.
  • Back: Navigates back.
  • Forward: Navigates forward. 
  • Go to Line: Jumps to the specified line. 
  • Toggle Bookmark: Sets a bookmark on a line of code. 
  • Bookmark History Popup Next: Goes to the next bookmark in the Bookmark window (Window > IDE Tools > Bookmarks). 
  • Bookmark History Popup Previous: Goes to the previous bookmark in the Bookmark window (Window > IDE Tools > Bookmarks). 
  • Next Error: Scrolls the Source Editor to the line that contains the next build error. 
  • Previous Error: Scrolls the Source Editor to the line that contains the previous build error. 
  • Select in Projects: Opens the Projects window and selects the current document within. 
  • Select in Files: Opens the Files window and selects the current document within. 
  • Select in Classes: Opens the Classes window and selects the current document within. 
  • Select in Favorites: Opens the Favorites window and selects the current document within.

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  • Format: Formats the selected code, or the entire file if nothing is selected.
  • Remove Trailing Spaces: Removes spaces at the end of the line.
  • Shift Left: Moves the selected line, or lines one tab to the left.
  • Shift Right: Moves the selected line, or lines one tab to the right.
  • Move Up: Moves the selected line, or lines one line up.
  • Move Down: Moves the selected line, or lines one line down.
  • Move Code Element Up: Moves the selected code element up one line.
  • Move Code Element Down: Moves the selected code element down one line.
  • Duplicate Up: Copies the selected line or lines one line up.
  • Duplicate Down: Copies the selected line or lines one line down.
  • Toggle Comment: Toggles the commenting out of the current line or selected lines.
  • Complete Code: Shows the code completion box.
  • Insert Code: Pops up a context-aware menu that you can use to generate common structures such as constructors, getters, and setters.
  • Fix Code: Displays editor hints.  The IDE informs you when a hint is available when the light bulb is displayed. 
  • Show Method Parameters: Selects the next parameter. You must have a parameter selected (highlighted) for this shortcut to work.
  • Show Documentation: Shows documentation for items under the cursor.
  • Insert Next Matching Word: Generates the next word used elsewhere in your code, as you type its beginning characters. 
  • Insert Previous Matching Word: Generates the previous word used elsewhere in your code, as you type its beginning characters. 
  • Inspect: Runs the specified inspection on the selected file, package, or project. 
  • Scan for External Changes: Scans file for changes made outside of MPLAB X IDE.

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  • Rename: Enables you to change the name of a variable or function to something more meaningful. In addition, it updates all source code in your project to reference the element by its new name. 
  • Move: Moves a class to another package or into another class. In addition, all source code in your project is updated to reference the class in its new location. 
  • Copy: Copies a class to the same or a different package. 
  • Safely Delete: Checks for references to a code element and then automatically deletes that element if no other code references it. 
  • Change Function Parameter: Changes the amount and name of parameters for the selected function.

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  • Build Main Project: Builds or rebuilds the main project.
  • Clean and Build Project: Removes (cleans) previously generated project files and then rebuilds the files in a project.
  • Batch Build Project: Builds multiple configurations of a project (only embedded available).
  • Make and Program Device: Performs a Make and then programs the device.
  • Program Device for Debugging: Programs the device with a debug build.
  • Program Device for Production: Programs the device with a production build.
  • Erase Device Memory: Erases all device memory.
  • Programmer To Go PICkit 3 or PICkit 4: Programs the device via PTG.
  • Set Project Configuration: Selects project configuration – Default.
  • Set Main Project: Sets the main project by selecting from a list of open projects.
  • Configuration Bits: Opens the Configuration Bits window.
  • Check File: Checks a file against a standard (XML related).
  • Validate File: Validates a file against a standard (XML related).
  • Repeat Build/Run: Runs again after halt.
  • Stop Build/Run: Ends run.

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  • Debug Project: Debugs the main or selected project. 
  • Discrete Debugger Operation: Performs the following debug operations one step at a time (discretely):
    • Build for Debugging (build with debug executive).
  • Finish Debugger Session: Ends the debugging session. 
  • Pause: Pauses debugging – use Continue to resume. 
  • Continue: Resumes debugging after Pause until the next breakpoint or the end of the program is reached. 
  • Step Over: Executes one source line of a program. If the line is a function call, executes the entire function and then stops. 
  • Step Into: Executes one source line of a program. If the line is a function call, it executes the program up to the function’s first statement and then stops.
  • Step Out: Executes one source line of a program. Finishes execution of the current function and stops on the source line immediately following the call to that function.
  • Step Instruction: Executes one machine instruction If the instruction is a function call, it executes the function and returns control to the caller. 
  • Run to Cursor: Runs the current project to the cursor’s location in the file and stops program execution. 
  • Reset: Resets the device. 
  • Set PC at Cursor: Sets the program counter (PC) value to the line address of the cursor. 
  • Focus Cursor at PC: Moves the cursor to the current PC address and centers this address in the window. 
  • Stack
    • Make Callee CurrentMakes the method being called the current call. Only available when a call is selected in the Call Stack window. 
    • Make Caller Current: Makes the calling method the current call. Only available when a call is selected in the Call Stack window. Stack > Pop Topmost Call puts Pops the call on top of the stack.
    • Pop to Current Stack Fram Pops: The current stack from the top of the stack. Stack > Pop Last Debugger Call puts Pops the last call from the debug tool from the top of the stack. 
  • Toggle Line Breakpoint: Adds a line breakpoint or removes the breakpoint at the cursor location in the program. 
  • New Breakpoint: Sets a new breakpoint at the specified line, exception or method. 
  • New Watch: Adds the specified symbol to the watch. 
  • New Run Time Watch: Adds the specified symbol to the watch that will change value as the program runs/executes. 
  • Disconnect from Debug Tool: Disconnects communications between MPLAB X IDE and the debug tool. To reconnect, either Run or Debug. 
  • Run Debugger/Programmer Self Test: Performs a debug tool self-test. For tools that support a self-test, follow the tool documentation to set up the hardware and then run this test to confirm proper operation. 
  • Hardware Tool Emergency Boot Firmware Recovery: Run utility to restore hardware tool boot firmware to its factory state. See MPLAB ICD 4 or PICkit 4 Help for details.

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  • Shelve Changes: Temporarily sets aside some not yet committed changes in a working directory as a patch file.
  • Git, Mercurial, Subversion: Displays submenus that are specific to each version management system. Please see product documentation for more on the submenu options.
  • History: Shows the history of a file or reverts the file to the history version.
  • Find Task: Finds an issue in a version control system.
  • Report Task: Reports an issue to a version control system.
  • Create Build Job: Creates a build using a version control system.

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  • Analysis:  Visible if the MPLAB Analysis plugin has been installed.
  • Embedded: Visible if a plugin has been added – select the plugin from the submenu.
  • Licenses: Manage compiler licenses. For details, see the Documentation tab of:
    • Roam Network Licenses
    • Activate Workstation License
    • License Status
    • Change Licensing Type
  • Packs: Open MPLAB Pack Manager to select a versioned device pack for your project device.
  • Templates: Opens the Template Manager.
  • DTDs and XMLSchemas: Opens the DTDs and XML Schemas Manager.
  • Plugins: Opens the Plugins Manager. For details, see the NetBeans help topic.
  • Plugins Download: Opens a selection dialog, where you can:
    • Visit the Embedded Code Source website.
    • Download a plugin to install later using the Downloaded tab of the Plugin Manager.
    • Go to MPLAB X Plugin Manager - Install a plugin immediately from the Available Plugins list in the Plugin Manager.
  • Options: Opens the Options dialog. 
    • For macOS®: Use MPLAB X IDE > Preferences.

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  • Rename: Enables you to change the name of a variable or function to something more meaningful. In addition, it updates all source code in your project to reference the element by its new name. 
  • Move: Moves a class to another package or into another class In addition, all source code in your project is updated to reference the class in its new location. 
  • Copy: Copies a class to the same or a different package. 
  • Safely Delete: Checks for references to a code element and then automatically deletes that element if no other code references it. 
  • Change Function Parameter: Changes the amount and name of parameters for the selected function.
  • Projects: Opens the Projects window.
  • Files: Opens the Files window.
  • Classes: Opens the Classes window.
  • Favorites: Opens the Favorites window.
  • Services: Opens the Services window.
  • Dashboard: Opens the Dashboard window.
  • Navigator: Opens the Navigator window.
  • Acton Items: Opens the Action Items window.
  • Tasks: Opens the Task List window.
  • Output: Opens or moves to the front of the Output window.
  • Editor: Opens an empty editor window.
  • Debugging 
    • Output: Opens debugging output windows.
    • Variables: Opens the Local Variables debugger window.  
    • Watches: Opens the Watches debugger window.
    • Call Stack: Opens the Call Stack debugger window.
    • Breakpoints: Opens the Breakpoints window.
    • Sessions: Opens the Sessions window.
    • Sources: Opens the Sources window.
    • Disassembly: Opens the Disassembly window.
    • IOView: Opens the Application In/Out window.
    • Trace: Opens the Trace window.
    • Stopwatch: Opens the Stopwatch window.
    • PC Profiling: Open the PC Profiling window.
    • Code Coverage: Open the Code Coverage window. Enable code coverage under Project Properties.
    • Data Visualizer: Open the MPLAB Data Visualizer.
    • Power Monitoring: Open the MPLAB Data Visualizer for power monitoring.
    • Triggers: Opens the Trigger In window.
    • Debugger Console: Opens a console window for entering commands on the command line.
  • Web
    • Web Browser: Opens your default web browser.
    • CSS: Opens the CSS Styles window. Enables you to edit the declarations of rules for HTML elements and selectors in a CSS file.
  • IDE Tools
    • Bookmarks: Opens the Bookmarks window. Displays a list of the bookmarks in your files in your open projects.
    • Notifications: Opens the Notifications window. Displays a list of the IDE errors and warnings that occurred in the current IDE session.
    • Terminal: Opens a Terminal window for a local or remote host.
    • Processes: Opens the Processes window. You can attach a debug tool to a running process.
  • PIC Memory Views: Memory Opens specified Memory window. Memories shown depend on the project device. 
  • Simulator
    • Stimulus: Opens the Simulator Stimulus window. See MPLAB X Simulator documentation for details.
    • Analyzer: Opens the Simulator Analyzer window. See MPLAB X Simulator documentation for details.
    • IOPin: Opens the Simulator IO Pin window. See MPLAB X Simulator documentation for details.
    • Register Trace: Opens the Simulator Register Trace window. See MPLAB X Simulator documentation for details.
  • Configure Window 
    • MaximizeMaximizes the active window to the full IDE window size.
    • Float: Opens a floating IDE window with a tab.
    • Float GroupOpens a floating IDE window group with tabs.
    • Minimize: Minimizes the active window to standard size.
    • Minimize GroupMinimizes the window group to standard size.
    • Dock: Restores a floating tab to the main window.
    • Dock GroupRestores a floating tab group to the main window.
    • Clone DocumentOpens a new tab for the same document.
    • Split WindowSplits the active document either vertically or horizontally.
    • New Document Tab GroupSplits the editor window into two groups of tabs and separates the selected tab into the new group.
  • Configure Window > Collapse Document Tab Group: Combines separate groups of tabs into one group.
  • Reset Window: Resets windows to their default settings.
  • Close Window: Closes the current tab in the current window. If the window has no tabs, the whole window is closed.
  • Close All Documents: Closes all open documents in the Source Editor.
  • Close Other Documents: Closes all open documents except the active one.
  • Document Groups: Create named document group(s).
  • Documents: Opens the Documents dialog box, in which you can save and close groups of open documents.

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