File Menu in the MPLAB® X IDE

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:35

File Menu Options

complete file menu

New Project

new project

Selecting New Project… brings up a window that allows you to create a new project from scratch. This can also be accessed by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + keys on your keyboard.

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New File

new file

Selecting New File… opens up a window that allows you to create a new file. This can also be accessed by pressing the Ctrl + keys on your keyboard.

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Open Project

open project

Selecting Open Project… brings up the Open Project window. This can also be accessed using Ctrl + Shift + O.

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Open Recent Project

open recent project

Selecting Open Recent Project shows a list of your recently closed projects and allows you to select which project(s) to open.

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Selecting Import allows you to import a HEX/ELF prebuilt file, an MPLAB® IDE v8 project, or an IAR Embedded Workbench project.

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Close Project

close project

Selecting Close Project closes the currently selected project.

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Close All Projects

close all projects

Selecting Close All Projects closes all open projects.

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Open File

open file

Selecting Open File allows you to open a C file without adding it to the project.

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Open Recent File

open recent file

Selecting Open Recent File brings up a list of all the files you have recently viewed and allows you to open them directly.

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Project Group

project group

Selecting Project Group allows multiple projects to be opened all at the same time.

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Project Properties

project properties

Selecting Project Properties opens the Project Properties window, the central location from which you may control all aspects of your project.

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Selecting Save will save the file currently selected in the editor. You can also save by pressing the Ctrl + S keys on your keyboard.

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Save As

save as

Selecting Save As… allows you to save a copy of the file currently selected in the editor with a different name.

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Save All

save all

Selecting Save All saves all files and project settings at once. You can also save all by pressing the Ctrl + Shift + S keys on your keyboard.

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Page Setup

page setup


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Selecting Print will print the selected C file. You can also print by pressing the Ctrl + Alt + Shift + P keys on your keyboard.

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Print to HTML

print to HTML

Selecting Print to HTML… saves the selected C file as an HTML document.

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Selecting Exit will save and exit the open MPLAB® X IDE projects.

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