Memory Xplorer Write, Read, and Erase Operations

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/03/28 12:32

How to Perform Write, Read, and Erase Operations in Memory Xplorer

Write Operation

Select the Write button at the top of the Array Tools panel to open the Write Panel. Refer to Array Tools Panel section for details.Memory Xplorer Write Selector

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Select whether you want to write the array in Page or Byte mode. Page writes require less time than Byte writes. Page size varies by device, refer to the device product datasheet for details.

Memory Xplorer Page or Byte Selector

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Make your desired changes to the Hex Editor memory viewer. See the Hex Editor section for more information.

When changes have been made to a memory array and sufficient information has been provided to complete the operation, the Write button will turn green. This indicates a write is needed to synchronize the Hex Editor data with device memory contents. Refer to Array Tools Panel section for available options.

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Click the green Start button to start the write operation.

Memory Xplorer Write Button

The memory view in the Hex Editor will indicate progress status . Once programming is complete, highlights are removed.

Memory Xplorer Progress Indicator

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Verify operation was successfully complete by referring to the Event Log. The Event Log will show the status of the write and subsequent read operation.

Memory Xplorer Write Complete Message in Event Log


Note: A read operation is performed after the write operation is complete to update the Hex Editor memory view

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Read Operation

Select the Read selector button at the top of the Array Tools panel to open the Read Panel. Refer to the Array Tools Panel section for details.

Memory Xplorer Read Selector

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Select a range of memory to read (see Selecting Memory Addresses section for details). Once a memory range has been selected, the Read button will turn green.

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Click the Read button to start the operation.

Memory Xplorer Read Button

The memory view in the Hex Editor will indicate progress status . Once the read operation is complete, highlights are removed.

Memory Xplorer Progress Indicator

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Verify operation was successfully complete by referring to the  Event Log. The Event Log will show the status of the read operation.

Memory Xplorer Read Complete Message in Event Log

Erase Operation

Select the Erase selector button at the top of the Array Tools panel to open the Erase Panel. Refer to the Array Tools Panel section for details.

Memory Xplorer Erase Selector

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Select an Erase Mode; Device, Sector or Page. Device will erase all memory regions and return them to their factory default values. For Sector or Page, select a range of memory to be erased (see Selecting Memory Addresses section for details). If a partial sector or page is included, the entire portion will be included in the erase operation (see Erase Button section for more information). Once a memory range has been selected, the Erase Selection button will turn green.

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Click the Read button to start the operation.

Memory Xplorer Erase Button

The memory view in the Hex Editor will indicate progress status . Once the read operation is complete, highlights are removed.

Memory Xplorer Progress Indicator

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Verify operation was successfully complete by referring to the  Event Log. The  Event Log will show the status of the erase and subsequent read operation.

Memory Xplorer Erase Complete Message in Event Log

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