Hardware Guide for SAM9x75 Curiosity with Raspberry Pi® 800x480 7-inch MIPI LCD

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/09/03 14:44

Required Hardware (HW)

Product NumberDescription
EV31H43A SAM9x75 Curiosity Development Board
SKU 22293Raspberry Pi® 800 x 480 7 inch MIPI DSI LCD
B09BB37D42Waveshare DSI FFC Flexible Flat Cable 15cm
 Micro-USB cable or 5V power adapter for SAM9x75 Curiosity power supply
 Micro-USB cable for display power supply
 microSD card for firmware binaries

HW Setup

Refer to the accompanying images for instructions on how to connect the display to the 9x75 Curiosity board.

The cable that comes with the display will not work with the Curiosity board. Use the Waveshare DSI FFC Flexible Flat Cable to connect the display to the board as shown in Figure 1. The Curiosity board and the display are separately powered via USB.

The microSD card with the firmware binaries goes to the microSD card slot labeled SD BOOT.

Curiosity and display back

Figure 1

Figures 2 and 3 show close-ups of how the cable is connected to the Curiosity board and display.

Cable to Curiosity Board

Figure 2

Cable to Display

Figure 3

Figure 4 shows the display and board side-by-side:

Curiosity and Display

Figure 4

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