SAM-BA® In-System Programmer - Applets
- Introduction
- Read and Write Boot Configuration bootconfig
- Initialize External RAM extram
- Enable Internal RC internalrc
- Initialize Device Clock Tree lowlevel
- Program External NAND Flash Memory nandflash
- Translate Bootstrap Master Image to Paired Target Device pairingmode
- Program External QSPI NOR Flash Memory qspiflash
- Read Target Device Unique ID readuniqueid
- Write to RESET Controller (RSTC) Control Register (CR) reset
- Program High-Speed Multimedia Card Interface (HSMCIx) or Secure Digital Multi-Media Card (SDMMCx)
- Program External Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) NOR Flash Memory serialflash
SAM-BA® In-System Programmer Applets are binary programs that the SAM-BA Host and Monitor can load and execute in the target device RAM to provide additional features and capabilities.
Applet programs are loaded and executed in the target device RAM by the SAM-BA Host program by including the -a, --applet option on the command line:
Applet programs support commands and arguments to customize their behavior. The command has the following structure:
More than one Applet command can be added to the command line:
-c <command3>[:<arg3_1>:<arg3_2>:…] …]
Applet Console
Applet programs provide tracing information to the Target Console (also referred to as the Applet Console). The Target Console is typically configured by the boot configuration in the target device. However, the console can be explicitly configured by the console_instance and console_ioset arguments of the-d, --device option.
Syntax: sama5d2:[<instance>]:[<ioset>]
instance Serial console peripheral number
ioset Serial console I/O set
sama5d2 use default device/board settings
sama5d2:1:2 use fully custom settings (peripheral number 1, I/O set 2)
sama5d2::2 use default device/board settings but force use of I/O set 2
Peripheral numbers and I/O sets are device specific. Please see device documentation in 'doc' directory.
Tracelevel Verbosity
The level of Applet Console verbosity can be controlled with the -t, --tracelevel option:
where n specifies the level:
0: no trace
1: fatal error
2: error
3: warning
4: info
5: debug
A listing of supported Applets for a given target device can be found with the help argument:
Read and Write Boot Configuration bootconfig
The bootconfig applet reads and writes the Boot Configuration Word (SAMA5D2 Series)/Boot Configuration Packet (SAM9X60).
The bootconfig applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
bootconfig Command Structure
The bootconfig applet has the following command structure (SAMA5D27 shown in the example below):
* readcfg - read boot configuration
readcfg:fuse read boot configuration word in fuses
readcfg:bureg0 read boot configuration word in BUREG0
readcfg:bscr read boot sequence register (BSCR)
writecfg:fuse:0x440000 write boot configuration word 0x440000 in fuses
writecfg:bureg0:0x40fcf write boot configuration word 0x40fcf in BUREG0
writecfg:bureg2:QSPI0_IOSET2,EXT_MEM_BOOT write boot configuration word 0x40001 in BUREG2
writecfg:bscr:4 write boot sequence register (BUREG0, VALID)
writecfg:bscr:bureg0,valid write boot sequence register (BUREG0, VALID)
Configuration value can be either a number or a sequence of tokens separated by commas.
BSCR tokens:
BUREG0*, BUREG1, BUREG2, BUREG3 -> to select which BUREG to use
VALID -> to validate the BSCR and use the selected BUREG
BUREG/Fuse tokens:
Tokens with a star (*) are selected by default if no token from the same line is provided (field value is 0).
Please refer to SAMA5D2 Datasheet section "16.5 Boot configuration" for information on boot settings.
Initialize External RAM extram
The extram applet initializes external RAM.
The extram applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the document directory ../doc/extram.html.
extram Command Structure
The extram applet has the following command structure:
$ sam-ba -p serial -d <device> -a extram:help
Syntax: extram:[<preset>]
preset External RAM chip
extram use default board settings
extram:1 use preset 1 for type of external RAM
The extram applet accepts a single <preset> parameter which tells the applet which SDRAM chip is connected to the device. A list of preset parameter values by device is located in the ../doc/extram.html directory.
Enable Internal RC internalrc
The internalrc applet forces the selection of the internal 12 MHz RC oscillator as the source of the MAIN Clock (MAINCK).
internalrc Command Structure
The internalrc applet must be called once after each RESET before executing the bootconfig writecfg:fuse command
The internalrc applet has the following command structure:
There are no parameters.
Initialize Device Clock Tree lowlevel
The lowlevel applet initializes the device clock tree: PLLA, CPU Clock, and Master Clock (MCK).
The lowlevel applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the ../doc/lowlevel.html document directory.
lowlevel Command Structure
The lowlevel applet has the following command structure:
The lowlevel applet does not require a parameter; with the exception of the SAM9X60 device. In this case, the help parameter shows the available parameters. SAM9X60 presets are listed in the ../doc/lowlevel.html document directory.
Syntax: lowlevel:[<preset>]
preset System clock configuration
lowlevel use default board settings if defined, preset 0 otherwise
lowlevel:0 use preset 0 for system clock configuration
Program External NAND Flash Memory nandflash
The nandflash applet initializes the Static Memory Controller (SMC) or the NAND Flash Controller (NFC) and can perform read, write, erase, and verify functions.
The nandflash applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the document directory ../doc/nandflash.html.
nandflash Command Structure
The nandflash applet has the following command structure:
Initialize Controller
Initialization of the nandflash applet has the following command structure:
A list of parameters to initialize the nandflash applet can be displayed with the following command (using the SAMA5D2 series device as an example):
Syntax: nandflash:[<ioset>]:[<bus_width>]:[<header>]
ioset I/O set
bus_width NAND bus width (8/16)
header NAND header value
nandflash use default board settings
nandflash:2:8:0xc0098da5 use fully custom settings (IOSET2, 8-bit bus, header is 0xc0098da5)
nandflash:::0xc0098da5 use default board settings but force header to 0xc0098da5
A list of parameters is located in the document directory: ../doc/nandflash.html.
Supported Commands
A list of commands supported by the nandflash controller can be displayed with the following command:
read Command
The read command reads data from NAND Flash into a binary file.
* read - read from memory to a file
read:firmware.bin read all to firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000 read from 0x1000 to end into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000:1024 read 1024 bytes from 0x1000 into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin::1024 read 1024 bytes from start of memory into firmware.bin
write and writeboot Command
Thewrite and writeboot commands writes data from a binary file into the NAND Flash.
Padding bytes are added to align programmed data to the page boundary. The page size is computed from the PMECC header.
* write - write to memory from a file
write:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin to start of memory
write:u-boot.bin:0x10000 write u-boot.bin at offset 0x10000
The writeboot command should only be used when programming a bootstrap file into an external NAND Flash memory boot partition.
The writeboot command modifies the relevant unused Arm® exception vector to store the size of the bootstrap binary, as required by the ROM code during the boot process.
writeboot:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin as boot program at start of memory
verify and verifyboot Command
The verify and verifyboot commands compare the data written into the NAND Flash with the contents of a binary file.
* verify - verify memory from a file
verify:firmware.bin verify that start of memory matches firmware.bin
verify:firmware.bin:0x1000 verify that memory at offset 0x1000 matches firmware.bin
The verifyboot command ignores the relevant unused Arm exception vector in the binary file.
* verifyboot - verify boot program from a file
verifyboot:bootstrap.bin verify that start of memory matches boot program bootstrap.bin
Translate Bootstrap Master Image to Paired Target Device pairingmode
The pairingmode applet enhances the Secure Boot mode with anti-cloning protection for the target device.
The pairingmode applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the ../doc/pairingmode-sam9x60.html and ../doc/pairingmode-sama5d2.html document directories.
pairingmode Command Structure
Applet Initialization
Initialization of the pairingmode applet has the following command structure:
Syntax: pairingmode:[<algo>]:[<force_settings>]:[<keys_in_fuse>]
algo - Signature algorithm for authentication (cmac or rsa)
force_settings - By-pass ROM code settings and force settings from applet parameters
keys_in_fuse - If <force_settings> is set, load customer keys from fuses
pairingmode:cmac - Signature algorithm is set to AES-256-CMAC
pairingmode:rsa - Signature algorithm is set to RSA
Supported Commands
A list of commands supported by the pairingmode controller can be displayed with the following command:
Translate Command
The translate command transforms the input stream of binary data, loaded from the bootstrap master image file <master_input>, into the output stream of binary data, saved into the bootstrap paired image file <paired_output>.
* translate - convert a bootstrap master image into a bootstrap paired image
Program External QSPI NOR Flash Memory qspiflash
The qspiflash applet initializes the Quad Serial Peripheral Interface (QSPI) controller and can perform read, write, erase, and verify functions.
The qspiflash applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the ../doc/qspiflash.html document directory.
qspiflash Command Structure
Initialize Controller
Initialization of the qspiflash applet has the following command structure:
A list of parameters to initialize the qspiflash applet can be displayed with the following command:
Syntax: qspiflash:[<instance>]:[<ioset>]:[<frequency>]
instance QSPI controller instance
ioset QSPI I/O set
frequency QSPI clock frequency in MHz
qspiflash use default board settings
qspiflash:0:3:66 use fully custom settings (QSPI0, IOSET3, 66MHz)
qspiflash:::20 use default board settings but force frequency to 20MHz
A list of parameters per support target device is located in the ../doc/qspiflash.html document directory.
Supported Commands
A list of commands supported by the qspiflash controller can be displayed with the following command:
read Command
Theread command reads data from QSPI Flash into a binary file.
* read - read from memory to a file
read:firmware.bin read all to firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000 read from 0x1000 to end into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000:1024 read 1024 bytes from 0x1000 into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin::1024 read 1024 bytes from start of memory into firmware.bin
erase Command
The erase command erases (resets to 0xFF) a range of data blocks in the QSPI Flash. The size of the data block depends on the target device (manufacturer and part number).
* erase - erase all or part of the memory
erase erase all
erase:4096 erase from 4096 to end
erase:0x1000:0x10000 erase from 0x1000 to 0x11000
erase::0x1000 erase from 0 to 0x1000
write and writeboot Command
The write and writeboot commands write data from a binary file into the QSPI flash.
Padding bytes are added to align programmed data to the page boundary.
* write - write to memory from a file
write:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin to start of memory
write:u-boot.bin:0x10000 write u-boot.bin at offset 0x10000
The writeboot command modifies the relevant unused Arm exception vector to store the size of the bootstrap binary, as required by the ROM boot code during the boot process.
writeboot:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin as boot program at start of memory
verify and verifyboot Command
The verify and verifyboot commands compare the data written into the QSPI Flash with the contents of a binary file.
* verify - verify memory from a file
verify:firmware.bin verify that start of memory matches firmware.bin
verify:firmware.bin:0x1000 verify that memory at offset 0x1000 matches firmware.bin
* verifyboot - verify boot program from a file
verifyboot:bootstrap.bin verify that start of memory matches boot program bootstrap.bin
Read Target Device Unique ID readuniqueid
The readuniqueid applet reads and displays the target device's unique ID. It can also save it to a binary file.
The readuniqueid applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the document directory: ../doc/readuniqueid.html.
readuniqueid Command Structure
The readuniqueid applet has the following command structure:
Examples (using the SAMA5D2 series):
$ sam-ba -p serial -d sama5d2 -a readuniqueid:uid.bin
Write to RESET Controller (RSTC) Control Register (CR) reset
The reset applet resets the target device by writing to the Reset Controller (RSTC) Control Register (CR).
The reset applet applies to the following devices. Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the ../doc/reset.html document directory.
reset Command Structure
The reset applet has the following command structure:
Example (using the SAMA5D2 series):
Program High-Speed Multimedia Card Interface (HSMCIx) or Secure Digital Multi-Media Card (SDMMCx)
The sdmcc applet initializes the High-Speed Multimedia Card (HSMCIx) or the Secure Digital Multi-Media Card (SDMMCx) Interfaces and can perform read, write, and verify functions of an external Secure Digital (SD) memory card or Embedded Multi-Media Card (e.MMC) memory embedded on the target board.
The sdmcc applet applies to the following devices.
- SAM9X60
- SAMA5D2 series
Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the document directory ../doc/sdmmc.html.
sdmmc Command Structure
The sdmcc applet has the following command structure:
Initialize Controller
Initialization of the sdmcc applet has the following command:
A list of parameters to initialize the sdmcc applet can be displayed with the help option (using the SAMA5D2 series device as an example):
Syntax: sdmmc:[<instance>]:[<ioset>]:[<partition>]:[<bus_width>]:[<voltages>]
instance SDMMC controller number
ioset SDMMC I/O set
partition Partition number (0=user partition, x>0=boot partition x)
bus_width Data bus width (0=controller max, 1=1-bit, 4=4-bit, 8=8-bit)
voltages Supported voltages (bitfield: 1=1.8V, 2=3.0V, 4=3.3V)
sdmmc use default board settings
sdmmc:0:1:1:8:5 use fully custom settings (SDMMC0, IOSET1, first boot partition, 8-bit, 1.8V/3.3V)
sdmmc:0::1 use default board settings but force use of SDMMC0, first boot partition
A list of parameters is located in the document directory: ../doc/sdmmc.html.
Supported Commands
A list of commands supported by the sdmcc controller can be displayed with the following command:
read Command
The read command reads data from SD memory card or e.MMC memory into a binary file.
* read - read from memory to a file
read:firmware.bin read all to firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000 read from 0x1000 to end into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000:1024 read 1024 bytes from 0x1000 into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin::1024 read 1024 bytes from start of memory into firmware.bin
write and writeboot Command
Thewrite and writeboot commands write data from a binary file into the SD memory card or e.MMC memory.
The write command should only be used to write a binary image (sdcard.img) into either an SD memory card or an e.MMC memory user partition.
* write - write to memory from a file
write:sdcard.img write sdcard.img to start of memory
The writeboot command should only be used when programming a bootstrap file into an e.MMC memory boot partition.
The writeboot command modifies the relevant unused Arm exception vector to store the size of the bootstrap binary, as required by the ROM Boot code during the boot process.
writeboot:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin as boot program at start of memory
verify and verifyboot Command
Theverify and verifyboot commands compare the data written into the SD memory card or e.MMC memory with the contents of a binary file.
* verify - verify memory from a file
verify:sdcard.img verify that start of memory matches sdcard.img
verify:firmware.bin:0x1000 verify that memory at offset 0x1000 matches firmware.bin
Theverifyboot command ignores the relevant unused Arm exception vector in the binary file.
* verifyboot - verify boot program from a file
verifyboot:bootstrap.bin verify that start of memory matches boot program bootstrap.bin
Program External Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) NOR Flash Memory serialflash
The serialflash applet initializes the SPIx or Flexible Serial Communications Controller (FLEXCOMx_SPI) controller and can perform read, write, erase, and verify functions on external SPI NOR Flash memory.
The serialflash applet applies to the following devices.
- SAM9X60
- SAMA5D2 series
Documentation is available in the ../sam-ba/doc/ directory.
Additional documentation is located in the ../doc/serialflash.html document directory.
serialflash Command Structure
The serialflash applet has the following command structure:
Initialize Controller
Initialization of the serialflash applet has the following command structure:
A list of parameters to initialize the serialflash applet can be displayed with the following command (using the SAMA5D2 series device as an example):
Syntax: serialflash:[<instance>]:[<ioset>]:[<npcs>]:[<frequency>]
instance SPI controller instance
ioset I/O set
npcs SPI chip select number
frequency SPI clock frequency in MHz
serialflash use default board settings
serialflash:0:1:0:66 use fully custom settings (SPI0, IOSET1, NPCS0, 66MHz)
serialflash::::20 use default board settings but force frequency to 20MHz
A list of parameters is located in the ../doc/serialflash.html document directory.
Supported Commands
A list of commands supported by serialflash can be displayed with the following command:
read Command
The read command reads data from external SPI NOR Flash memory into a binary file.
* read - read from memory to a file
read:firmware.bin read all to firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000 read from 0x1000 to end into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin:0x1000:1024 read 1024 bytes from 0x1000 into firmware.bin
read:firmware.bin::1024 read 1024 bytes from start of memory into firmware.bin
erase Command
The erasecommand erases (resets to 0xFF) a range of erase blocks in the external SPI NOR Flash memory. The size of the erase block depends on the target device (manufacturer and part number).
* erase - erase all or part of the memory
erase erase all
erase:4096 erase from 4096 to end
erase:0x1000:0x10000 erase from 0x1000 to 0x11000
erase::0x1000 erase from 0 to 0x1000
write and writeboot Command
The write and writeboot commands write data from a binary file into external SPI NOR Flash memory pages.
Padding bytes are added to align programmed data to the page boundary.
* write - write to memory from a file
write:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin to start of memory
write:u-boot.bin:0x10000 write u-boot.bin at offset 0x10000
The writeboot command should only be used when programming a bootstrap file into an external SPI NOR Flash memory boot partition.
The writeboot command modifies the relevant unused Arm exception vector to store the size of the bootstrap binary, as required by the ROM boot code during the boot process.
writeboot:bootstrap.bin write bootstrap.bin as boot program at start of memory
verify and verifyboot Command
The verify and verifyboot commands compare the data written into external SPI NOR Flash memory with the contents of a binary file.
* verify - verify memory from a file
verify:firmware.bin verify that start of memory matches firmware.bin
verify:firmware.bin:0x1000 verify that memory at offset 0x1000 matches firmware.bin
The verifyboot command ignores the relevant unused Arm exception vector in the binary file.
* verifyboot - verify boot program from a file
verifyboot:bootstrap.bin verify that start of memory matches boot program bootstrap.bin