Miscellaneous Tab under the Options window of the Tools Menu in the MPLAB® X IDE

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:31

Miscellaneous Tab

The Miscellaneous category contains settings for features that don't fit under any of the other categories.

Miscellaneous Tab

CSS Preprocessor

The CSS Preprocessors tab allows you to install and manage the Sass and LESS CSS preprocessors.

CSS Preprocessor Tab


The Diff tab of the Miscellaneous category contains settings for the built-in diff utility as well as a means to launch an external diff tool instead.

The Diff tab in the Fonts & Colors category contains additional diff-related settings.

Diff Tab


The Files tab of the Miscellaneous category contains settings for file extension management.

File Associations

Default extensions are already set to be associated with each language tool. You can add or remove them here.

Files Ignored by the IDE

Regular expression describing files to be ignored.

Files Tab


The Output tab allows you to set the font, font size, and message colors for the Output window.

Output Tab


The Terminal tab of the Miscellaneous category contains settings that are a hold-over from Oracle's NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE), upon which MPLAB® X IDE is based. These settings have no effect in MPLAB X IDE.

The Terminal window was a convenience for running command line programs for PC development. Its entry in the Window menu has been removed from MPLAB X IDE.

Terminal Tab