Power Management and Conversion with Microchip
Last modified by Microchip on 2024/08/01 06:45
Power Management Overview
Microchip offers a broad range of power management solutions. This page covers training on our most popular solutions including power conversion, filtering, Power-Over-Ethernet (PoE), solid-state lighting, and LED control.
Power Management Tutorials
- AN2039 - Four-Channel PIC16F1XXX Based Power Sequencer
- Introduction to the Core Independent Peripheral (CIP) Hybrid Power Kit
- Power Supply Filtering
- Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) Design with the CIP Hybrid Power Starter Kit
- Non-Synchronous Buck Converter Application
- Synchronous Buck Converter Application
- MCP16331 Step-Down DC-DC Converter
- Power Conversion Application Notes
- Getting Started with CIP Hybrid Power PWM Controllers and MPLAB® X SMPS Design Tools (Microchip University)
- Analog Power Meets Digital: Using Mixed Signal MCUs to Build Advanced SMPS Topologies and Applications (Microchip University)
- Power over Ethernet (PoE), Power Delivery (PD), and DC-DC Design Considerations (Microchip University)
- Introduction to Solid-State Lighting (Microchip University)
- Creating a Digital Power Supply from Scratch (Microchip University)
- Fundamental Understanding of Battery Management System