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PAC1921 Current Power Sensor

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/09 09:00

PAC1921 is a high-side current/power sensor with a 2-wire bus and a configurable analog output that can present power, current, or voltage. The PAC1921 is designed for power measurement and diagnostic systems that cannot allow for latency when performing high-speed power management. Measurements are accumulated in large lossless registers, allowing for integration periods of 500 μs to 2.9s. The measurement is averaged and presented on the analog output with a full-scale range of 3V, 2V, 1.5V, or 1.0V.


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  • Configurable measurement type output: power, current, or bus voltage
  • Configurable voltage output (3V, 2V, 1.5V, 1V)
  • 100 mV full-scale current sense voltage range
  • Second-order delta-sigma ADC with 11-bit or 14-bit resolution
  • 1 percent power measurement accuracy
  • +/- 0.4 percent current measurement accuracy (Max.)
  • 0.9 ms - 2,900 ms effective sampling interval
  • Auto-zero offset
  • Auto sleep state: automatically shifts to low-power state (3.5 μA)
  • VDD = 3.3 V nominal (operational range 3.0V to 5.5V)
  • Bus range: 0V to 32V
  • No input filters required
  • Interface: SMBus/I²C

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Target Applications

  • Diagnostic Equipment
  • Servers
  • Power Supplies
  • Industrial and Power Management Systems
  • Notebook and Desktop Computers

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Block Diagram

pac1921 block diagram

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Pin Descriptions

VDDPositive Power Supply VoltagePower
OUTOutput Voltage MeasurementAIO5
ADDR_SELSelect SMBus/I²C AddressAIO2
RESERVEDReserved for future use (connect to VDD for SMBus functionality)DI (5 V)
READ/INTControls power statesDI
SM_DATASM_DATA: SMBus/I²C Data - requires pull-up resistorDIOD
SM_CLKSM_CLK: SMBus/I²C Clock - requires pull-up resistorDI (5 V)
EPNot internally connected but recommend groundingN/A
Pin TypeDescription
PowerThis pin is used to power to the device.
AIO40Analog Input/Output - this pin is used as an I/O for analog signals. Maximum voltage of 40 V.
AIO2Analog Input/Output - this pin is used as an I/O for analog signals. Maximum voltage of 2 V.
DIDigital Input - this pin is used for digital inputs.
DIODDigital Input/Output Open-Drain - this pin is used for digital I/O and is open-drain.

PAC1921 - A World First in High-Side Current/Power Sensors

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Application Example

The figure below shows a system diagram using the PAC1921 in SMBus mode. The OUT pin supplies data for systems that cannot tolerate the latencies inherent in embedded communications buses. MCU-based systems, such as PIC® Microcontrollers (MCUs) equipped with Analog-to-Digital Converters (ADC) inputs can sample the value presented on the OUT pin for immediate use in thermal or power control algorithms. Output values are also available in a digital format via the SMBus interface. The PAC1921 contains a high-side precision current-sensing circuit and a precision bus voltage measurement circuit. The current-sensing circuit contains a differential amplifier that continuously measures the voltage (VSENSE) developed across an external sense resistor (RSENSE) to represent the high-side supply current. The full-scale range of VSENSE is from 0 mV to 100 mV. For power, the current and voltage data are multiplied and accumulated, scaled with two digital gain parameters, then applied to the OUT pin through a 10-bit DAC and a gain output buffer for the output Full-Scale-Range (FSR).

pac1921 application example

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