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Pipeline Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Utility Software Settings

Last modified by Microchip on 2023/11/10 11:07

You can customize the Pipeline Analog-to-Digital (ADC) Utility software settings as needed. To customize settings, start the application by clicking Pipeline ADC Utility from the Microchip folder in the Start menu or double-click the desktop shortcut to launch the software.

Pipleline adc software desktop logo

Software Layout & Interface

Pipleline adc software layout interface

1. Menu Item bar: The menu item categories and subsequent menu items provide convenient options for saving/loading data to/from the application. Additionally, register access and software version information can be found here.

2. Tab control for various device configuration options: Various device settings are broken up into different categories. Use the tab control to switch between these different categories and make the desired configuration customizations.

3. Run single acquisition: Once clicked, the software will collect one data set from the device.

4. Run continuous acquisition: Once clicked, the software will continuously sample the device for data.

5. Stop acquisition: Press this button to stop the current data acquisition (enabled only when a continuous acquisition is taking place).

6. Configure device: This button sends the configuration settings to the device. This operation can take up to 30 seconds to complete, depending upon the configuration options selected.

7. Current consumption (analog): Current consumption of the analog 1.8V (I/O) and analog 1.2V (core) power domains.

8. Current consumption (digital): Current consumption of the digital 1.8V (I/O) and digital 1.2V (core) power domains.

9. Chart/plotting area: A chart is generated after collecting a data sample from the device. Different charts will be plotted according to the GUI settings, including FFT, INL/DNL, and Time Domain. Current consumption of the digital 1.8V (I/O) and digital 1.2V (core) power domains.

10. Analysis settings: Analysis configuration can be changed here. These options modify the way the data is analyzed and displayed.

11. Results: The results of all calculations based off the collected data samples is displayed here.

12. Board Information: Information on the currently attached board is displayed here.

13. Date and time: A date and time for reference (particularly useful when saving data and referring back to it at a later date).

14. Status: This text field displays important status information. Any encountered errors will be listed here along with any other useful information.

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