Hello FPGA


Last modified by Microchip on 2025/01/31 12:02

   Demo Board Overview 

Create the Project

The first step is to launch Libero® SoC. You can launch Libero SoC from the Windows® Start menu or the shortcut on your desktop. From the Libero SoC GUI, click Projects > New to open the new project wizard.

New Project Window

Figure 1: New Project Window

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In the Project Details window, give the project a name, 'LED_Blink', and then choose a location. We will use the root level of our D: Drive for this project.

You can create a project anywhere, but avoid using folders with spaces in the names.

You can also add a description. Enter 'Hello FPGA demo' in the Preferred HDL type pull-down menu. VHDL or Verilog may be selected; select Verilog. Click Next.

Hello FPGA Project file location and Description screen

Figure 2: Project Details

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The device selection page will open. We can use the filters at the top to select the device package. Select the following:

  • Family: SmartFusion2
  • Die: M2S010
  • Package: 256 VF
  • Speed: STD (standard)
  • Temperature: COM (commercial).
Device Selection Screen

Figure 3: Device Selection Window

Then, click Next which takes us to the device settings page.

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The default IO technology is LVC MOS, 2.5V. Change it to LVCMOS 3.3V because most of the IOs are 3.3V. We have two choices for the PLL power supply, either 2.5V or 3.3V. SmartFusion® 2 PLLs can operate at either voltage. On the Hello FPGA kit, however, the PLLs operate off 3.3V, so select 3.3V. Click Finish.

Demo Device Settings Screen

Figure 4: PLL Power Supply Selection

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Import HDL File

Now that we've created our project, we will import an HDL source file. We can do that from the Design Flow tab by selecting Create HDL, right-clicking, and choosing Import Files...

Import HDL file screen

Figure 5: Import and HDL File

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The Import Files dialog box will open. Select the file named LED_block.v. This file is a description file of a counter that can drive the LEDs. Click Open.

Source file selection dialog screen

Figure 6: File Selection

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The file will be visible on the Design Hierarchy tab after building the hierarchy.

File Visible after selecting Build Hierarchy

Figure 7: Design Hierarchy Tab

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If you double-click on the name of the file, you can open it in the editor. There are three inputs where PB1_debug and PB3_debug connect to switches on the Hello FPGA board and CLK_50 MHz connects to the 50 MHz oscillator on the board.

There are three outputs, LED1_debug, LED2_debug, and LED3_debug. The outputs drive LEDs on the Hello FPGA board.

Text Editor

Figure 8: Open the File in the Editor

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Here we are describing a counter. The counter is reset with PB1_debug. If PB1_debug is pressed or low, the counter outputs will all be 1's and the LEDs will turn off. When PB1_debug is released, the counter will decrement.

Hello FPGA Counter Code in Libero

Figure 9: Counter Description

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Here we are describing a 2 to 1 multiplexer. The selector for the multiplexer is PB3_debug. If PB3_debug is released, three consecutive counter bits will drive the LEDs and they'll toggle a counting pattern. If PB3_debug is pressed, all of the LEDs will be driven by the same counter bit, and they'll turn on and off together.

Multiplexor Description

Figure 10: 2 to 1 Multiplexor Description

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Before we can move on, we need to set led_block as the root level. Setting something as a root level lets Libero® know that that is the level of hierarchy that you want to use for Simulation, Synthesis, and Layout. Right-click on the LED_block and select Set as Root. The root level will be displayed in bold font.

Demo Set Root

Figure 11: Set as Root

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Now that we've imported the source file and set it as the root level, we're ready to synthesize. But before that, we want to import a constraint file for the Synthesis and Place and Route tools. Go to the Design Flow tab and double-click on Manage Constraints to open the constraint manager.

Manage Constraints Screen

Figure 12: Manage Constraints

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Click the Timing tab and click the Import button to import a timing constraint file.

Import constraints file dialog

Figure 13: Timing Tab

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Use the timing constraint file LED_blink.sdc. Select the file and click Open.

Import LED Blink file

Figure 14: Open the Timing Constraint File

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The file will show up on the Timing tab. Select the file for Synthesis, Place and Route, and Timing Verification.

Timing Tab View

Figure 15: Timing Tab

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Double-click on the filename to open the file in the editor. You will see the command create_clock and then the name CLK_50 MHz and then the period 20. This defines a clock on the signal name CLK_50MHz with a 20 ns period or 50 MHz. Select the X to close out the editor tab. Click Save.

Clock Edit Screen
Save Button on Constraint Manager

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Now we can go back to the Design Flow tab. Double-click Synthesize and run the synthesis tool. When the synthesis step is completed successfully, a green check mark will appear next to Synthesize on the Design Flow tab. You can select the Reports tab and see the Resource Report. If you scroll down, you'll see the resource usage. This shows the exact number of LUTs, D flip flops, and IOs used in this design.

Synthesize and Report Screen

Figure 17: Symthesis Tool

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Making Pin Assignments

After Synthesis, the next step is to run Place and Route. Before we run Place and Route, however, we want to make the pin assignments. This is done by going back to the Constraint Manager tab and selecting the I/O Attributes tab. We then open the graphical IO editor tool by clicking the Pull-Down menu next to edit and choosing Edit with I/O Editor.

Content Manager tab showing I/O Attribute tab
Edit Pull-Down menu in I/O Attributes tab

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The I/O Editor is a graphical tool that displays all of the ports in the design. In the Port View tab, you can choose the IO standard, the PIN number, and several other attributes as well.

IO Manager Screen

Figure 19: Port View

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Start making the PIN assignments by typing in the field under PIN Number. The PIN assignments can be found in the Hello FPGA schematic. Refer to this course's front page for a link to the Hello FPGA schematic and other documentation.

The last two assignments, PB1_debug and PB2_debug are for the push button switches. Those switches are assigned to 1.5V, so we need to change the IO standard to LVCMOS15. Now that we've made all the pin assignments, click the Save button, and then close the I/O Editor.

PIN Assignment Screen

Figure 20: PIN assignments

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The I/O Attributes tab will show a file named user.PDC and it's selected for Place and Route.

Place and Route file selection

Figure 21: IO Attributes

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Place and Route and Bitstream Generation

Now that we have made the pin assignments, we can run Layout. We'll also need to generate a bitstream. We can do all of that in one step by scrolling down and double-clicking on Export Bitstream, to open the window.

Export Bitstream

Figure 22: Export Bitstream

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Now choose the bitstream type DAT, because that's what we're using when we program with an external processor. Click OK.

DAT format checkbox

Figure 23: Bitstream Format

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Libero will run Place and Route and generate the appropriate bitstream to use with the PIC32 to program the SmartFusion 2 FPGA. When Place and Route is finished, we will see a green checkmark in the Design Flow tab. We'll also see a green check mark next to Generate FPGA Array Data and Export Bitstream. The log window will tell us that the bitstream was successfully exported.

FPGA data exported screen

Figure 24: Export Bitstream

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Now that we've generated the bitstream, the next step is to program the Hello FPGA kit. Plug the USB cable into the board and the other end of the cable into the PC.

The Hello FPGA kit comes with the GUI that is used for programming the FPGA board and running the demos. Open the Hello FPGA GUI by clicking the Windows Start Menu and scrolling to the Hello FPGA GUI program group, expand the group, and click Hello FPGA GUI to open the GUI.

Hello FPGA GUI selection in Windows

Figure 25: Start Menu

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This is the Hello FPGA GUI. When the GUI opens, the FPGA Programmer tab will be visible. The DAT File field will point to the programming file for one of the three demos that are included with the kit.


Figure 25: Hello FPGA GUI

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Navigate to the Libero project and select the programming file that we created earlier. Select the Project > designer > led_block > export and then select led_block.dat.

Hello FPGA GUI dat file selection dialog

Figure 26: DAT File Selection

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Next, confirm the correct COM port is selected, then click the CONNECT button to connect to the host PC. The connect button turns green. You want to have a successful connection. Before programming, make sure that the action field says Program. You can use the pull-down menu to change it if you need to. Click Run to start programming.

Start Programming button selection

Figure 27: Start Programming

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A dialog box will open indicating Programming Successful and prompt you to restart the board by unplugging and replugging the USB cable.

Programming Successful Dialog box

Figure 28: Programming Successful

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After programming, if PB1_debug is pressed, the LEDs will turn off. If PB1_debug is released, the LEDs will toggle in a counting pattern. If PB3_debug is pressed, the LEDs will turn on and off together. If PB3_debug is pressed, the LEDs will toggle in a counting pattern again.

Hello FPGA Demo Board Buttons and LEDs

Figure 29: LEDs

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Video Course

This course is also available in video format at Microchip University as Hello FPGA.

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