CLCxCON Register
The Output section and the Logic section of the Configurable Logic Cell (CLC) are controlled by the CLCCON Register.
CLCxCON: Configurable Logic Cell Control Register
R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 | R/W-0/0 |
bit 7 | bit 0 |
Legend | ||
R = Readable Bit | W = Writable Bit | U = Unimplemented bit, read as '0' |
u = Bit is unchanged | x = bit is unknown | -n/n = Value at POR and BOR/Value at all other resets |
'1' = bit is set | '0' = bit is cleared | -n = Value at POR reset |
bit 7
LCxEN: CLC Enable bit
1 = CLC is enabled and mixing input signals
0 = CLC is disabled and has logic zero output
bit 6
LCxEOE: CLC Output Enable bit
1 = CLC port pin output enabled
0 = CLCl port pin output disabled
bit 5
LCxOUT: CLC Data Output bit
Read-only: logic cell output data, after LCxPOL; sampled from lcx_out wire
bit 4
LCxINTP: CLC Positive Edge Going Interrupt Enable bit
1 = LCxIF will be set when a rising edge occurs on lcx_out
0 = LCxIF will not be set
bit 3
LCxINTN: CLC Negative Edge Going Interrupt Enable bit
1 = LCxIF will be set when a falling edge occurs on lcx_out
0 = LCxIF will not be set
bit 2-0
LCxMODE<2:0>: CLC Functional Mode bits
111 = Cell is 1-input transparent latch with S and R
110 = Cell is J-K Flip-Flop with R
101 = Cell is 2-input D Flip-Flop with R
100 = Cell is 1-input D Flip-Flop with S and R
011 = Cell is S-R latch
010 = Cell is 4-input AND
001 = Cell is OR-XOR
000 = Cell is AND-OR
The CLC Enable bit will enable or disable the CLC module. A 1 enables it and a 0 disables it.
The CLC Output Enable bit will enable or disable the CLC module output. A 1 enables it and a 0 disables it.
The CLC LCOUT bit is a flag that can be monitored in software to determine the state of the CLC output.
The CLC LCINTP bit enables the rising edge interrupt in the CLC. When enabled (set to a 1), the CLC will trigger an interrupt when the CLC output rises from low to high state.
The CLC LCINTN bit enables the falling edge interrupt in the CLC. When enabled (set to a 1) the CLC will trigger an interrupt when the CLC output falls from high to low state.
The CLC LCMODE bits select the CLC Logic Function using three bits (0-2).