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SAM9X60-EK – Copy MPLAB® Harmony 3 Application and at91bootstrap to SD Memory Card

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/20 12:44


In this training topic, you will copy two binary images, harmony.bin (an MPLAB® Harmony 3 Software Framework application) and boot.bin (Second-stage bootloader, at91bootstrap), to an SD memory card for booting on the SAM9X60-EK Evaluation Kit. Once the images are copied, the SD memory card is inserted, and upon reset, the SAM9X60 will boot and run the application.

For this exercise, you will write the binaries that were created in the training topics:



For this training, you will use the SAM9X60-EK Evaluation Kit.

SAM9X60-EK Evaluation Kit

Set up the SAM9X60-EK as listed below to the host computer.


  • Set the jumpers to their default positions as shown in the "Jumper Summary" section in the "SAM9X60-EK — Features" page.


  • Apply power as shown in "Power Options" section in the "SAM9X60-EK — Features" page.

Console Serial Communications

​Be certain that the SAM-BA host application has been added to the path.

​Be sure to observe RomBOOT on the console. Otherwise, the SAM-BA host application cannot talk to the monitor on the target.

​For more information on SAM-BA host applets, see "SAM-BA ISP - Applets" page.

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SD Memory Card

The SAM9X60-EK has a MultiMediaCard (MMC) or Secure Digital (SD) memory card slot (J4) that can be used for booting the system. It is connected to the SDMMC port 0 (SDMMC0) peripheral of the SAM9X60-EK.

For this training topic, you will need an SD memory card formatted with the FAT file system.

Ensure that no other bootable Non-Volatile Memory (NVM) on the SAM9X60-EK contains a bootable image. Ensure there are no bootable images in NAND Flash (U9) or NOR Flash (U8). For information on the default boot sequence of the SAM9X60, see Section 12 – Boot Strategies in the SAM9X60 Datasheet.

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Copy boot.bin to SD memory card

In this section, you will copy the at91bootstrap binary image, boot.bin, to an SD memory card with a FAT formatted partition.

Change directory to the location of boot.bin:


Copy boot.bin to SD memory card.

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Write harmony.bin to SD Memory Card

In this section, you will copy the MPLAB Harmony 3 Software Framework application binary image, harmony.bin, to the SD memory card into the same FAT formatted partition as you copied boot.bin into.

Change the directory to the location of harmony.bin:


Copy harmony.bin to SD memory card.

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Run MPLAB Harmony 3 Application on the Target

Insert the SD memory card into the SD card slot (J4).

To run the application, press the nRST (Reset) (SW3) push button. Observe the RGB LED (LD1) flashes blue. You can also observe the at91bootstrap reading from the SD memory card on the console.

Console: application running

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In this training topic, you copied the binary files harmony.bin and boot.bin to an SD memory card for booting on the SAM9X60-EK and ran the application on the target.

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Learn More

For training topics on configuring at91boostrap for other NVM, see:

Second-Stage Bootloader at91bootstrap

Writing to NVM

SAM9X60-Curiosity Development Board
If you would like to learn how to migrate an MPLAB Harmony 3 application example initially developed for the SAM9X60-EK Evaluation Kit to the SAM9X60-Curiosity Development Board, see: Migrating an MPLAB Harmony 3 Application from the SAM9X60-EK to SAM9X60-Curiosity: rtt_periodic_timeout

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