SAMA7D65-Curiosity – Configure and Build at91bootstrap for an MPLAB® Harmony v3 Project with MPLAB X IDE
This training topic describes configuring and building at91bootstrap for loading and debugging an MPLAB® Harmony v3 project on the SAMA7D65-Curiosity Kit using MPLAB X Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
The at91bootstrap is used by MPLAB X IDE to initialize DRAM so that it can continue loading the MPLAB Harmony v3 Software Framework project binary (harmony.bin). Once the project has been loaded onto the SAMA7D65-Curiosity, MPLAB X IDE can be used to develop and debug the application.
The following are prerequisites for this training:
Download at91bootstrap
Create a Project Directory.
For the purposes of this training topic, we’ll name our project directory "at91bootstrap".
Download or clone at91bootstrap version 4.0.10.
Download or clone from the Linux4sam GitHub repository.
Open Project at91bootstrap
From MPLAB X IDE, select File > Open Project…
An Open Project dialog is displayed.
Find and select the at91bootstrap project directory.
Click on the Open Project button.
The at91bootstrap project will be displayed in the Projects pane (upper left) and the at91bootstrap – Dashboard pane (bottom left).
Configure at91bootstrap Project Properties
Open at91bootstrap Project Properties.
Open the at91bootstrap Project Properties using one of the following methods:
- In the Projects pane, highlight at91bootstrap and click on the wrench icon in the at91bootstrap - Dashboard.
- In the Projects pane, right-click on at91bootstrap and select Properties from the menu.
The Projects Properties – at91bootstrap dialog box opens.
Configure the XC32 Compiler.
In the Categories pane, select Makefile.
Enter the following text in the Build command and Debug build command boxes:
make CROSS_COMPILE="C:/Program Files/Microchip/xc32/v4.45/bin/bin/pic32c-"
Enter the following text in the Clean command box:
make mplabclean CROSS_COMPILE="C:/Program Files/Microchip/xc32/v4.45/bin/bin/pic32c-"
Click on the Apply button.
Configure at91bootstrap
In the Categories pane, select Kconfig and click on the Load button.
Find the at91boostrap project directory, select the configs directory, and then select sama7d65_curiosity_bkptnone_defconfig.
Click on the Open button.
Observe the following settings:
Expand Primary Operation and observe the Configure and stop radio button.
Expand DRAM. Next, expand DRAM parts and select the DDR3L AS4C512M16D3LA_10BIN (SAMA7D65-CURIOSITY) radio button.
Click on the Apply button and then the OK button.
The Project Properties dialog will close.
Build at91bootstrap
Build at91bootstrap.
Build the at91bootstrap project using one of the following methods:
- In the Projects pane, right-click on at91bootstrap and select Build from the menu
- Click on the Build icon (hammer) in the tool ribbon.
Observe the build is successful.
Note the location of at91bootstrap.elf:
The at91bootstrap has been configured and built to load and debug an MPLAB Harmony v3 Software Framework project using MPLAB X IDE for the SAMA7D65-Curiosity Kit.
What’s Next?
Once at91bootstrap has been configured and built, it can be used with an MPLAB Harmony v3 Software Framework project. The at91bootstrap.elf file is configured in the Project Properties as shown in the example figure below.
MPLAB X IDE uses at91bootstrap to initialize DRAM and continue loading the MPLAB Harmony v3 application binary image (harmony.bin) using a Debug Probe. Once the project has been loaded onto the SAMA7D65-Curiosity, MPLAB X IDE can be used to develop and debug the application.
For training topics on configuring and building at91bootstrap to load from Non-Volatile Memories (NVM), see:
Second-Stage Bootloader at91bootstrap
- SAMA7D65-Curiosity – Configure and Build at91bootstrap to Load an MPLAB Harmony v3 Application from NAND Flash Memory
- SAMA7D65-Curiosity – Configure and Build at91bootstrap to Load an MPLAB Harmony v3 Application from NOR Flash (QSPI) Memory
- SAMA7D65-Curiosity – Configure and Build at91bootstrap to Load an MPLAB Harmony v3 Application from SD Memory Card