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Include Processor Specific Header File

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/01/19 15:24

Placing a simple block of if-defined statements at the top of an included header file can help the source code select the proper include files for the MPLAB® XC compiler you plan to use. Anything specific for that compiler can be placed within the if-defined section. An example of including the proper compiler header file is shown in the accompanying code block:

 *          Include the processor-specific header file.
 * Including this generic header file will automatically select the correct
 * target processor header file based on the device you have selected in your
 * project properties

#if defined(__XC8__)
// This code in included only when you are using the XC8 compiler
#include <xc.h>

#elif defined(__XC16__)
// This code in included only when you are using the XC16 compiler
#include <xc.h>

#elif defined(__XC32__)
// This code in included only when you are using the XC32 compiler
#include <xc.h>