Rapid Prototyping with 32-bit MCU-based Curiosity Nano Evaluation Kit Using MPLAB Harmony v3 Software Framework: Step 5
Generate Code
When all the previous steps are completed, click on the Save button to save the MHC configuration.
Click on the Generate button to generate the code.
Click on the Generate button in the Generate Project window, keeping the default settings as shown in Figure 3.
As the code is generated, the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) displays the progress as shown in Figure 4.
Navigate to the Projects tab to view the project tree structure.
Examine the generated code as shown in Figure 5.
MHC will include all the MPLAB Harmony library files and generate the code based on the MHC selections. The generated code will add files and folders to your Harmony project.
Among the generated code, notice the peripheral libraries added to the project ( SERCOM 0 (as I²C), SERCOM 3 (as USART), SERCOM 1 (as SPI), STDIO, BM71 driver, and system service like timer and core). MHC also generates the template main file (main.c).
Build the project by clicking on the Clean and Build icon and verify that the project builds successfully. At this point, you are ready to start implementing your application code.