Getting Started with USB on SAM MCUs Using MPLAB® Harmony v3: Step 1
Create and Configure Harmony v3 Project
Install the MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) Plug-in in MPLAB X IDE.
Verify that MPLAB® Harmony Configurator (MHC) is installed.
- Launch MPLAB X IDE.
- Go to Tools > Embedded.
- You will see MPLAB Harmony 3 Configurator in the menu.

Figure 1: Check if Harmony 3 plugin is installed
Create MPLAB Harmony v3 Project Using MPLAB X IDE
Select File > New Project from the IDE main menu or click on the New Project button .
In the Categories pane of the New Project dialog, select Microchip Embedded. In the Projects pane, select 32-bit MPLAB Harmony 3 Project, then click Next.

Figure 2: Select 32-bit MPLAB Harmony 3 Project
In the Framework Path edit box, browse to the folder you downloaded the framework to. If you haven't done this, or want to download it to a different folder, click the Launch Content Manager button, then click Next.

Figure 3: Verify Framework Path

Figure 4: Harmony content manager
In the Project Settings window, apply the following settings:
Location: Indicates the path to the root folder of the new project. All project files will be placed inside this folder. The project location can be any valid path, for example: C:\Projects\getting_started_drivers_middleware.
- Folder: Indicates the name of the MPLAB X Project .X folder. Enter "sam_e70_xpld" to create a sam_e70_xpld.X folder.
This must be a valid directory name for your operating system.
- Name: Enter the project’s logical name as "getting_started_drivers_middleware_same70_xplained". This is the name that will be shown from within the MPLAB X IDE.
- Click Next to proceed to Configuration Settings.

Figure 5: Project name and location

Figure 6: MPLAB Harmony New Project Wizard Visual Help
Follow the steps below to set the project’s Configuration Settings.
Name: Enter the configuration name as "sam_e70_xpld".
- Target Device: Select ATSAME70Q21B as the target device.
- After selecting the target device, click Finish to launch MHC.

Figure 7: Configuration Settings
Open MPLAB Harmony Configurator and Configure Project Settings.
Once the New Project Wizard finishes, MHC will launch automatically. Complete the other steps before using MHC.

Figure 8: MHC Launch
Set the created project as the main project if you have multiple projects open.

Figure 9: Set as Main Project
Open the Project Properties window and verify that the compiler is set to XC32 (v2.50) and the Tool is set to SAM E70 Xplained (EDBG). You need to connect the tool using the DEBUG USB port on the SAME70 Xplained Evaluation Kit to your PC for this option to be visible. Also, verify the package version numbers.

Figure 10: Open Project Properties

Figure 11: Configure Project Properties