MPLAB® Harmony v3 Drivers and System Services on SAM E70/S70/V70/V71: Step 2
Configure the Timer System Service.
Under the bottom left Device Resources tab, expand Harmony > System Services.
Double-click or drag and drop Time to add the Timer System Service to the project graph.
A popup window will appear. Select the options as shown in Figure 2 and 3.
Associate the Timer System service to Timer Instance 0 (TC0) by right-clicking on the red diamond as shown in Figure 5.
Select TC0 Peripheral Library and notice the default configuration by expanding Channel 0.
Configure the Inter-Integrated Circuit (I²C) Driver and I²C pins.
Under the Device Resources tab, expand Harmony > Drivers.
- Select and double-click on I²C to add the I²C driver to the project.
- Associate I²C driver with I²C instance 0 (TWIHS0) peripheral by right clicking on the red diamond.
- Click on Instance 0 under I2C Driver to view the Configuration Options. Change the Number of Clients to 2.
- Select TWIHS0 Peripheral Library and notice the default configuration by expanding the hardware settings.
Open the Pin Configuration tabs by clicking Project Graph > Plugins > Pin Configuration.
Select the Pin Settings tab and sort the entries by Ports, as shown in Figure 15.
Now, select the Pin Settings tab and then scroll down to the TWIHS0 module as follows:
- Enable I²C Clock (TWIHS0_TWCK0) on PA4 (Pin #77)
- Enable I²C Data (TWIHS0_TWD0) on PA3 (Pin #91)
Configure the Universal Synchronous Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter (USART) Driver and USART pins.
Under the Device Resources tab, expand Harmony > Drivers.
- Double-click on USART to add the USART driver to the project.
- Associate USART Driver with USART instance 1 (USART1) peripheral by right clicking on the red diamond.
- Click on Instance 0 under USART Driver to view the Configuration Options. Select the Use DMA for Transmit check box.
- Select the USART1 Peripheral Library and notice the default configuration by expanding USART1 in Configuration Options.
Select the Pin Settings tab and then scroll down to the Pin ID PA21 and PB4 as shown in Figure 21.
- Enable USART1_TXD1 on PB4 (Pin #105)
- Enable USART1_RXD1 on PA21 (Pin #32)