Create a Web-Enabled Digital Photo Frame: Step 1
Creating the Project and Downloading MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) Harmony Content
Setup MPLAB® X MCC Plugin
Before starting to use MCC with Harmony, the plugin should be configured to the right installation of the Harmony Framework.
If you do not have an MPLAB Harmony v3 dedicated folder, please create one on your computer. We suggest something like C:\Microchip\Harmony\v3.
In MPLAB X IDE open Tools > Options and go to Plugins.
Select the tab MPLAB Code Configurator and scroll to the Harmony Content Path.
Browse for the folder where Harmony was/will be downloaded and check the checkbox Always ask for Harmony Content Path when opening the project.
Create a New Project
Start the New Project Wizard and Choose Project Type
Open MPLAB X IDE and from the File menu, choose New Project.
Select 32-bit MCC Harmony Project and click Next.
Verify Harmony Installation Path
The path to your MPLAB Harmony 3 installation folder should be already populated.
If not, create a folder somewhere on your computer, like for example C:\Microchip\Harmony\v3, and point the project to use that path.
The MPLAB Harmony 3 necessary files will be downloaded to that path, later during these steps.
Provide Project Name and Location
Location: should be a folder of the user choice on the local computer.
Folder: is name of the “.x” folder where files for the MPLAB X IDE project will reside.
Name: is what will be displayed in the MPLAB X IDE project explorer.
After completing these, click on Next.
Update Project Configuration Name and Target Device
Give a name for the MPLAB X IDE configuration, “default” can be used.
The device used in the project is PIC32MZ2048EFM144. Copy the device name and paste it to Device Filter to have the Target Device properly selected.
Click the Finish button.
MCC Content Manager Wizard
After the project has been created for MPLAB X IDE, MCC will automatically start and ask for the Framework to use.
In the time this guide is made, the only Framework that supports 32-bit devices is MPLAB Harmony.
Select MPLAB Harmony.
Select Required Content
The Content Manager Wizard will start, by automatically adding Required Content to be downloaded. If the Harmony Framework is not downloaded yet on your computer, the Required Content should show three packages to download:
- csp
- dev_packs
- quick_docs
If the Framework is already present, then the required content could be empty or show that some updates are available.
Add Optional Content
There is content that is needed for this application, and that needs to be downloaded now using the Wizard. If the Harmony packages are already installed, they will not appear in this list.
Scroll to Optional Content and find the required Harmony modules and tick them for download.
Check Harmony Networking Stack and Solutions
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Check Harmony Core
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Check Harmony Graphics Solutions
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Check Harmony Tools
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Check Harmony Cryptographic solutions
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Check Harmony Capacitive Touch solutions
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Check Harmony WolfSSL solutions
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Click on Finish to start downloading the content and have the MCC project created.
Download the Content
All the necessary content, if any, should start downloading.
Expand them to see progress.
Wait for the packages to download. Some of them are big and may take time to complete.
Expand component groups to see the individual component checkout status.
Open the MCC Project
Choose the Harmony Framework Path
When finished, two windows should appear… click Next.
MCC Project View
Then, MCC should open as: