Create a Web-Enabled Digital Photo Frame: Step 10
Using the Solution Project as an Example
To use the solution as an example, all the user needs to do is extract the provided ZIP file and open the MPLAB® X IDE project, pic32mzef_web_photo_frame\firmware\pic32mz_ef_curiosity_v2.X.
XC32 version 4.xx is required to build the project.
SD Card Preparation
Prepare an SD card and copy the content in the resource folder pic32mzef_web_photo_frame\sdcard_files on the SD card directly.
Ethernet Setup
Also, an Ethernet cable should be connected between the KSZ8061 and your router or directly plugged into your PC.
Using a Router
A router should provide an IP address to the board. The PC that is browsing the board should also be in the same network as the Curiosity board. Ping can be used from the PC to check if the board is visible.
Direct Connection with the PC
It is also possible to use a direct connection with the PC. If there is no DHCP server enabled on the PC to provide an IP address, then static IP addresses should be used. The static IP address of the board is set into the MAC Instance of the NETCONFIG.

Figure: Setting a Static IP for the application
The PC IP address should be set up in the same network as the board, or the values shown should be changed to match the PC IP domain. In this case, if the PC needs to be set up, then the IP address can be anything from to, excluding, which is already taken by the board. To do so, open the Network Manager, right-click on the network adapter, and choose Properties.

Figure: MS Windows – Opening Ethernet Properties
Then double-click on the Internet Protocol Version 4 (TC/IPv4) to open the settings. Select the Use the following IP address radio button, then put the IP, Subnet, and Gateway values inside as follows:

Figure: Setting Static IPv4 Address for a MS Windows® Network Adapter