MPLAB® X IDE Appearance

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:31

This section discusses ways to change the appearance of various items in MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE), including turning on and off line numbers and hiding the right margin line.

Turning On/Off Line Numbers

From the menu, select View > Show Line Numbers.

 View > Show Line Numbers menu

Or, right-click in the left margin and select Show Line Numbers from the pop-up menu.

Show Line Numbers pop-up menu

Hiding the Right Margin Line (80-column Maker)

The vertical, red line along the right side of the editor window shows the 80-column limit for a fixed-width font. To hide this line, do the following:

From the menu select Tools > Options.

Select the Editor icon at the top and select the Formatting tab.

Select All Languages from the Language drop-down menu, then set the Right Margin parameter to its smallest value of 0 or its largest value of 200. Then click the OK button.

Options window Editor tab