Managing Windows in MPLAB® X IDE
- Controlling Windows to Improve Your Development Experience
- Window Groups
- Dock and Undock Windows
- Floating a Single Window (Undocking) and Multiple Monitors
- Floating an Entire Window Group
- View Two Files Simultaneously
- Resizing a Window or Window Group
- Splitting Windows
- Restore a Single Editor Window
- Maximize the Editor Window
- Restore the Editor Window
- Creating Additional Window Groups
- Minimizing Window Groups
- Moving a Window to Another Group
- Resetting Window Locations
Controlling Windows to Improve Your Development Experience
The MPLAB® X Integrated Development Environment (IDE) provides numerous ways for you to arrange its windows the way you like. It supports many window configurations as well as using multiple monitors. Here we will attempt to explain most of the ways the MPLAB X IDE offers to control those windows.
Window Groups
To simplify the interface appearance, MPLAB X IDE displays each window as a tab inside of a window group. By default, MPLAB X IDE provides four window groups, Project Group, Editor Group, Navigation Group, and Output Group.
Dock and Undock Windows
Undock A Window
Right-click on the tab and select Float.
Dock A Window
Right-click on the tab and select Dock and it should re-dock in its original location within the main IDE window.
Floating a Single Window (Undocking) and Multiple Monitors
To move a window to a location outside the IDE, such as a second monitor, you will first need to float the window. To float a window left-click on the Window tab and drag it away from the IDE. When the window separates from the IDE release the tab. Please note that the window must be removed entirely from the IDE before it is released.
Floating an Entire Window Group
To move a window to a location outside the IDE, such as a second monitor, you will first need to float the window. To float a window left-click on the Window tab and drag it away from the IDE. When the window separates from the IDE release the tab. Please note that the window must be removed entirely from the IDE before it is released.
View Two Files Simultaneously
Split the Editor Window Between Two Files
Click on a tab in the editor and drag it away from the top of the editor window. You should see a red outline appear in the window that moves depending on where you move the mouse while dragging the tab.
The red outline indicates where the tab will snap into place when you release the mouse button.
- To split the window horizontally, drag the tab to the left or right side of the editor window until the red outline appears as a box along the side, then release the mouse button.
- To split the window vertically, drag the tab to the bottom of the editor window until the red outline appears as a box along the bottom (as shown in the image below), then release the mouse button.
Resize the Split Window
To resize the proportions of a split window move the mouse to the line that divides the two panes. The cursor should become a double ended arrow. Click and drag to change the portion of the window allotted to each pane.
Resizing a Window or Window Group
Window groups can be resized within the IDE by clicking on an edge of the window or group and manually resizing it. When the edge of a window group is selected, the cursor will display as a double arrow, similar to what personal computer operating systems display when resizing windows.
To maximize the editor window so that it fills the entire application window, click on the maximize button at the top right of the editor with a small window icon in it.
Splitting Windows
Right-click on a tab in the Editor window and select Clone.
Left-click on the new tab and drag it away from the top. Move it around until the red outline snaps into the location you wish to place the new window pane. Then, release the mouse.
Left-click in the space between the window panes (the mouse pointer should have an arrow on both ends) and drag to resize the window panes to suit your needs.
Restore a Single Editor Window
Restoring a Split Window
The procedure to merge a split window back into a single window is similar to the procedure used to split it in the first place.
Click on a tab in the editor and drag it away from the top of the editor window. You should see a red outline appear in the window that moves depending on where you move the mouse while dragging the tab.
The red outline indicates where the tab will snap into place when you release the mouse button. Drag the tab to the top of the window until the red outline appears as a box along the top with the tab's outline in the tab bar, then release the mouse and the tab should pop into place in the same position within the row of tabs as its outline indicated. If you don't see the tab's outline as part of the box at the top of the window and you release the mouse, you will simply split the window vertically.
Maximize the Editor Window
Maximizing the Editor
To maximize the editor window so that it fills the entire application window, click on the maximize button at the top right of the editor with a small window icon in it.
Working Around the Maximized Editor
While maximized, all other windows are minimized to the left sidebar or bottom bar.
If you click on a window's icon in the left side or bottom bar, it will open temporarily allowing you to work with its contents. Clicking outside of the window will cause it to minimize back to the bar.
Restore the Editor Window
To restore the editor window back to its original size, click on the minimize button at the top right of the editor in it.
Creating Additional Window Groups
Left-click on the tab of a window that you want in the new group. Move the window to a position in the IDE such that an orange box appears around the window. When the outline appears, release the tab. A new group will be created.
Minimizing Window Groups
To make room in the IDE for editing, the Project, Navigator, and Output groups can all be minimized by using the Minimize Window Group icon. When these groups are minimized, they appear on the margins of the IDE. Minimized groups are restored by using the Restore Window Group icon.
The Editor Window Group will expand to fill the unused IDE space as other window groups are minimized.
Moving a Window to Another Group
Left-click on a widow tab and drag it to another group. Hold the window near the tab at the top of the destination group. Release the tab when the orange outline of a tab appears in the destination group.
Resetting Window Locations
From the Menu bar, select Window > Reset Window.
The IDE will restore the windows to the default installation location and size.
MPLAB X IDE retains the default location of its windows in a file. On rare occasions, this file may become corrupt. A corrupt file will present itself by placing the IDE window in odd and unusable locations. If Window > Reset Windows does not restore the window to an appropriate place you will need to restore MPLAB X IDE to its original state manually.