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Configure File Build Options

Last modified by Microchip on 2024/06/24 06:34

Sometimes it may be necessary for individual files to have different build options from the project, such as optimization levels or memory models.

Open the File Properties Window

In the Projects window, right-click on the file whose properties you wish to modify and select Properties from the pop-up menu.

Open the file properties windowClick image to enlarge.

Override Project Build Properties

Check the box next to Override build options

You should now see a tree on the left similar to the one in the Project Properties window.

Dialog box used to override the project build propertiesClick image to enlarge.

Modify Build Options

In the same way you would modify a project's build options, you can modify a single file's build options by selecting categories from the tree on the left and modifying their respective properties that will be displayed on the right.

Property window to modify the build optionsClick image to enlarge.

Close the File Properties Window

Click the OK button.

Click the Ok button at the bottom of the dialog boxClick image to enlarge.