Toggle the parent tree of Build Settings. Learn Software and Hardware Tools Toggle the hierarchy tree under Learn Software and Hardware Tools. … Projects in MPLAB® X IDE Toggle the hierarchy tree under Projects in MPLAB® X IDE. Building Projects in MPLAB® X IDE Toggle the hierarchy tree under Building Projects in MPLAB® X IDE. Build Settings Toggle the hierarchy tree under Build Settings.
Build Settings allows customization of the build process inside the MPLAB® X project.
Setting the Pre-Building or Post-Building Settings
When the Project Properties window opens, locate the 'Categories' section on the left side of the window.
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Information Note: This is also called the Building node. The categories section of the Project Properties lists all the configurations for the project.
Select the Building node under the configuration you wish to modify the build.
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Information You can type the macros yourself or click Insert Macro to copy the macro name into the current position in the Edit box.
macro Name macro Function Device device for the current-selected project configuration IsDebug “true” for a Debug Run; “false” otherwise ProjectDir location of the project files on the PC ConfName name of the currently-selected project configuration ImagePath path to the build image ImageDir directory containing the build image ImageName name of the build image
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The commands you selected are inserted into nbproject/Makefile-$ file. If you need to refer to project-related items (e.g., image name), use the supplied macros. Commands are run in the make process with the current directory being set to the MPLAB X IDE project directory. The project directory is defined as the directory that contains the nbproject folder. Back to Top
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