Multiple Instances of MPLAB® IPE
To enable multiple simultaneous operating instances of the MPLAB® Integrated Programming Environment (IPE), you'll need multiple instances of MPLAB® Integrated Development Environment (IDE) and several steps must be taken. Full documentation is available through the built-in help utility and the following steps walk through the process.
Open MPLAB X IDE and go to Help > Tool Help Contents > MPLABX IDE Help.
Select the Before You Begin folder.
Then, select Launch Multiple Instances of the IDE.
Invoking Instances of the IDE
MPLAB X IDE requires each instance to have its own user directory. Therefore, plug-ins added to, or preferences set for one instance, will not be reflected in one another. In order to invoke multiple instances, launch the IDE with the –-userdir option and specify a directory.
Windows® OS
Create a shortcut with the –-userdir option. For example, on Windows 7 OS:
Right-click on the desktop and select New > Shortcut.
Browse to the installed MPLAB X IDE executable.
By default, it is located in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microchip\MPLAB\mplab_ide\bin\ mplab_ide.exe.
At the end of the line, enter the location of the user directory. You can either place your directory under the default location for this type of MPLAB X IDE information:
—userdir "C:\Users\MyFiles\AppData\Roaming\.mplab_ide\ dev\anydir"
or you can place it where ever you like, for example:
—userdir anydir//
Click OK.
Linux® OS
The installed version, run without any parameters by clicking on the desktop icon, will run with a user directory of:
To change the user directory, run the $InstallationDir/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide shell script passing the argument —userid anydir. For example, to run MPLAB X IDE in two different instances:
/$ /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir ~/.
anydir1 &
$ /opt/microchip/mplabx/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir ~/.
anydir2 &//
You can also create desktop icons that have the user ID embedded.
Open a shell window and type the command line listed below to execute your installation of MPLAB X IDE in an alternate user directory. You can either place your directory under the default location for this type of MPLAB X IDE information:
$/bin/sh /Applications/microchip/mplabx/
Resources/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir "${HOME}/Library/
Application Support/mplab_ide/dev/
Alternatively, you can place it wherever you like, for example:
$/bin/sh /Applications/microchip/mplabx/
Resources/mplab_ide/bin/mplab_ide —userdir